Sean Clancy

This is the most important point, right here.  A lot of Trek just isn’t going to fit together, no matter how hard you try, and while it does offer a hopeful vision, it is not a detailed blueprint for utopia.

Biometrics has no place in security for personal devices.

Think of how much of a cowardly, slack-jawed moron you’d have to be to respond to that poster with anything more than pity and a wanking motion.

How can you make a movie with biting satire when shit like this exists? There’s nowhere left to go.

“What, you egg?”

Laris’ Irish accent is easily explained in-universe: she’s speaking English, having learned from someone who grew up in Ireland. It’s no different than a non-native English speaker who learned English in the UK and therefore speaks with a British accent.

What, you egg? [He stabs him.]

Yep the Klingon trial episode with the Duras ancestor basically was a deep dive into the fact Klingons had a very normal society with scholars and lawyers, and then the warriors took control and clamped down hard on the idea anything not directly about killing others and conquest made you weak.

Likewise, the fact that some sort of commerce still seems to happen in the Federation, Kirk’s confusion about money, would seem to be more confusion about the local medium of exchange.

I love that Romulus has had an Ireland.

Also explaining that the slightly different forehead styles are native geographical distinctions, is a much better explanation for why the Romulans looked different between series’ than the bullshit excuse they came up with for the Klingon’s appearing, then disappearing, then

And this did exactly what it was supposed to do from a story perspective. It shocked us. We literally felt the emotions of our primary character in that moment. Picard went in there like he owned the place so sure of himself. And we were sure it would work because it’s Picard, he's our hero. We both got dressed down

...and right back at you thy pox-ridden ninnyhammer. 

Which is the nice part of episode 3, it’s trying to break us of our idolatry of the man in a gentle manner. He’s flawed and he’s not treated all his personnel equally. It’s not deliberate it’s the sins of a man who’s suffering in his own way. We aren’t intended to hate him, we should still love him but it’s a case of

I remember an interview somewhere where, for Deadwood, they had every intention of using era-appropriate swearing . . . until they did their research. Apparently swearing in the old west sounded a whole hell of a lot like a bunch of 3rd graders or Yosimite Sam. 

Honestly I thought it was an incredibly powerful line that was perfectly delivered. Because she’s absolutely right... Picard is our noble hero, but he’s also a tad pompous and overly sure of himself. I kept repeating that line in my head during the next episode and it still fit perfectly. People getting their panties

I always felt Discovery’s F-bombs always were a bit clumsy - so I thought this was the best, most earned tactical F-bomb possible that they could pull off; I died laughing.

I’ll add to your point that we’re not seeing it from her perspective; the very last thing he did before that meeting was hold a high profile

“They are not the hell your whales” and “Double dumbass on you!” have become staple catch-phrases at our house.