Sean Clancy

It’s the only way to be sure.

Pull my fingers.

I hope he ends up having to sell Twitter for a fraction of a cent on the dollar, along the lines of Yahoo buying Tumblr for $1 billion and selling it for $3 million.

The city inspector needs to return, accompanied by police to arrest anyone who prevents the city inspector from fulfilling their official duties.

The Command Z trailer! AKA, “Sir Not Appearing In This Article.”

Can you say, “David Zaslav desperation?” He is apparently unaware that NFTs aren’t a thing anymore.

On Facebook (where I still am, ugh) ALL I WANT TO SEE ARE MY FRIENDS. One thing I do not want to see is stupid 10 second videos from strangers. However, since I cannot remove the “reels” from coming up in my feed at leastI seem to have been able to train FB into only showing me reels of adorable Siberian Huskies.

Please go back to your misanthropic cave and don’t presume to speak for anyone other than yourself.

California has 27,000,000 acres of cropland. I think we can spare the 300,000 acres for pistachios, which are a nutritious food full of fiber, unsaturated fats, potassium and antioxidants.

There were people at my old job that used to like to go to Ed Debevic’s for lunch. Two visits and I started declining invites to go there. I don’t need that shit, I’ve got to deal with enough rude people without paying someone to be rude.

Yeah, I had a “tea jar” spigot get really really nasty and ended up throwing the whole thing away. Now I have a compact cuboid shaped glass pitcher with a spout that fits into the fridge nicely and is perfect for cold brew tea.

Those “breakfast tacos” look like a clicker’s face from “The Last of Us.”

lady fingers they taste just like lady fingers

If you haven’t been refrigerated then yes, you are, and I won’t eat you once you’ve been sitting out for a cumulative total of four hours.

The pilot was the owner of the company who took their million dollars and then likely got them killed.

At the Cruel World Festival a few weeks ago beers were $19, which I think was a record for us.

And I’m actually not going to miss the screeching bullshit of drunken assholes at shows, many of which were ruined for me by people’s shitty behavior.

“We Must Give Up All Our Rights Because 9/11!!”, Chapter Umpty-Ump.

Now playing

What, nobody’s mentioned the “Malcolm in the Middle” sequel scene he’s already made?!

Verily I say unto thee, goeth forth and fucketh thyself with great vigor.

Some of those commenters had 150K followers.