If I’m not mistaken, the director of “Code of Honor” was replaced during production but as you mentioned, by then they were too deep into production and couldn’t go back.
If I’m not mistaken, the director of “Code of Honor” was replaced during production but as you mentioned, by then they were too deep into production and couldn’t go back.
And for starters, you’d have 6.3 billion rotting dead bodies to deal with, a fraction of which would be buried or disposed of properly, with the accompanying other diseases generated from that ...
Well ... you’re wrong, of course.
Incorrect. William is after Charles in the line of succession, then his three children, then Harry, then his son, then Andrew who is currently eighth in line. Anne is fourteenth in line.
Suuuuuure. Cop in Adam’s mind: “Gee golly willakers, you don’t have an ID on you so I guess we’ll just have to let you go on your merry drunk way, because there’s no way in the Universe we’ll ever find out who you are.”
LOL, that’s not going to stop you from getting arrested for a DUI.
WHO COULD POSSIBLY HAVE PREDICTED THIS?! Well, me ... and pretty much everyone else, except for the people who run LAX, apparently.
I love Burbank airport and prefer it to LAX by several orders of magnitude, but unfortunately flight prices to certain places can be more expensive in and out of there. Sigh.
It is a majority Trumpist state, solid red, by a factor of over two to one. This queer progressive atheist? Not for ten thousand, not for ten million.
Not for ten thousand. Not for ten million.
All leaf blowers are intrinsically evil, noisy and belching combustion exhaust (use a fucking rake), just as much so as all this auto-play horseshit that literally everyone despises.
All leaf blowers are intrinsically evil, noisy and belching combustion exhaust (use a fucking rake), just as much so…
Let’s talk about all the people who’ve been hit and badly injured by idiots riding scooters on the sidewalk, before we go to “doing something where you’re pretty much only endangering yourself.” I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had close calls as a pedestrian from some scooter-riding asshole doing top speed…
You can absolutely get hit with a DUI on a scooter, or on a bicycle.
Oh, do NOT suddenly play the victim.
This: “I have nothing against the LGBT community, I just don’t believe that God wants them to live this way from what I gather from the Bible.” This is the same kind of shit that has been used to attack and oppress me and my community my entire life. Meanwhile, you sit there with a halo over your head being all…
Also, today the Supreme Court is hearing arguments from the Trump administration that could and will quite likely lead to them ruling that I and millions of others can be fired from their jobs for being LGBTQ. I note that you can’t be fired for being a self-righteous Christian proselytizer, and I note that this is…
I’ll thank you to keep your mythology to yourself, and I don’t really give a ripe fuck what you wish or want with regards to your desire to change my beliefs. Also, the Rolling Stones think you’re a self-righteous dick.
“Proven by scientists everywhere?” How far up your ass did you have to reach to pull that one out?
There were two Cajun musicians, both men, named Shirley Bergeron and Doris Leon Menard. Doris (who went by “D.L.”) was named so because his mother thought it sounded nice in French.