Sean Clancy

<digression> My GPS pronounces the abbreviation "Ave" as "AH-vay," as in "Ave Maria." It also renders "23rd St." as "Two-Third Street." Still a few bugs in the system.</digression>

I need to know about the fajita-mayonnaise couple too. C'mon, now you've got us all curious.

I don't order a whiskey sour at a place that uses bottled sour mix — he might as well be using Lemon Pledge. Whiskey, lemon juice, simple syrup. It's a delicious drink, not rocket science, and I like mine with nice cheap Old Grand-Dad.

We weren't poor either, but mashed potatoes came out of the Potato Buds box and green beans (and most other vegetables) came out of cans and were cooked to mush. I was an adult before I tasted a fresh crisp green bean, steamed with a little olive oil, and it was almost like candy.

What Gawker Media also need to add to the commenting system (and you may have this in progress): when you click the little down-arrow at the upper right hand corner of the comment, you get an option that says "Follow username." There should be a "Block username" option under that.

The best time to buy a car is any time I buy a car through USAA's Car Buying Service so that I never have to speak to another car salesman again for the rest of my life.

I'm hoping that iOS 8 provides for this sort of thing without jailbreaking. For instance, being able to change the stark white backgrounds to black or grey backgrounds with white text, or being able to change the horrid look of iMessage to a pastel blue with black text, as it was on iOSes 1-6 and was actually legible

Please explain to the good people of the Gawker comments how your behavior here is even remotely civilized. What are you, an antisocial twelve-year-old? May I recommend some therapy or medication? Did you not get enough attention from your mommy when you were a child?

I know, I'm feeding a troll here (I actually

Oh. Hello. I remember you from the other thread.

At first I laughed and thought, "Awesome!" but ... in reading the article and seeing that she was filming herself and that these were Vines, I question her authenticity. How long did she rehearse these lines so that she could be a Vine Star? I've only recently become aware of the existence of "Vine Stars" and they

I've had the Habit. It's pretty good. It's miles better than the national burger chains, but I don't find it to be particularly special. Given the choice I'd prefer In-N-Out, despite the fact that I still don't like their fries (I seem to recall the fries are pretty good at the Habit). The best burgers, and the ones

I'm curious, do you talk to people that way in person, face to face?

Er, no. Fairly vile, actually. If you're from Chicago and grew up on it and love it, have at it and enjoy. But don't expect the rest of us to stomach it.

I'm sorry, but anyone on this comments thread who reads this article, responds with something like "What's the big deal? They're salesmen and were just doing their jobs," and truly believes in that response is an asshole. (Or is at least being an asshole in this instance; without further examples of your behaviour I

Ha! I used to work as an usher at a movie theatre. At least 20% of the patrons were varying combinations of mindbogglingly stupid and horrifically rude. One appallingly rude person was loudly making some unreasonable complaint and demand (I don't even remember what) and when I politely declined she said, "I'll have

At my old job I was a lunch regular at a Johnny Rocket's burger joint across the street. My usual order cost about $7.50, for which they'd get a typical 15% tip from most people. (I once saw someone count out coins to the penny, $1.12). I liked the servers there, and the two guys who usually served me at the counter

It's completely possible to politely send something back in a restaurant if there's something wrong with your food (under- or overcooked meat is what'll do it for me). I'm friendly and non-accusatory about it (usually sheepish and apologetic), and it's never a problem. Tip is always 20% or more, if the server goes an