Sean Clancy

I never said I found atheists annoying. I quite agree with the point of the original post.

The more they keep trying to "prove" their faith, the more it disappears into a puff of logic.

Yeah, I do have a problem with that, although I think it's supposed to be doctrinally less aggressive with Christianity (disclaimer: I have not read the Qu'ran). Attempts to proselytize to me are replied to with Carlin's Third Commandment. :)

In my case, if force is applied, force will be returned twofold. I'm down

Funny how it so often boils down to Wheaton's Law: "Don't be a dick." That applies to both sides.

Someone tries to run my life with their religion, I will definitely fight them. Deny climate science, Earth's geological history or evolution, and I will counter that with rational arguments. However, if they're not

It's a good sign, but my distrust for Orci runs deep. How about this — no Horta, no Gorn, no Mugatu. TELL ORIGINAL STORIES. No rehash from TOS. Yes, you can make elements of the TOS universe be part of the fabric of the rebooted universe, as long as it's done organically and not with the insulting fanwank of STID. A

Of course it does, but the response is to target them and their actions, not the entire concept of religion, belief or faith. I know a lot of truly good Christians who are very upset by the people who are all up in our government, hurting people, and trying to control people's lives. We shouldn't tar them with the

Sadly, I've generally found the Militant In-Your-Face Atheist to be just as much of an asshole as the Militant In-Your-Face Christian (or fill in whichever denomination.)

Believe what you want, but respect other people, and follow Carlin's Third Commandment: "Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself."

I won't install your fucking app.
I won't install it on my phone;
Its being I shall thence disown.
It will not be on my home screen;
In not one place shall it be seen.
I won't install it here or there,
I won't install it anywhere.
I'd rather chew up a Death Cap
Than to install your fucking app.

The best time to buy a car is any time I buy a car through USAA's Car Buying Service so that I never have to speak to another car salesman again for the rest of my life.

I'm hoping that iOS 8 provides for this sort of thing without jailbreaking. For instance, being able to change the stark white backgrounds to black or grey backgrounds with white text, or being able to change the horrid look of iMessage to a pastel blue with black text, as it was on iOSes 1-6 and was actually legible

Am I the only person in the world who doesn't like Back to the Future? I can't even explain why, really — I just don't. What's wrong with me?

Um. It's a shitty movie and always has been. I was actually shocked by how bad it was.

If you were to teach me a few, I'd listen. :)

Maybe I can just wait for my new iPhone rather than replace the tiny, easily loseable Fitbit that I just ran through the washing machine. (It actually lasted for about three days after that before it crapped out.)

It must have been so weird for native Chinese speakers to watch that show. They didn't use actual 20th Century Chinese curses, they wrote funny things in English and had their Mandarin language consultant translate, which as I recall also involved asking elderly relatives for their opinions. (I can see it now:

Sigh, it worked for me at first. It was supposed to be an insult from the show, "You stupid inbred sack of meat." It seemed to work for me, but Google Translate is notoriously unreliable for Chinese. There's also the fact that I can only actually say maybe five things in Mandarin. #FAIL Oh well.

Yes, exactly! Except totally not.


Buzz Aldrin is badass.