Sean Clancy

Once you mentioned the graphic novel my curiosity got the best of me and I got the digital version. I actually liked it better than the movie.

I hate Yelp. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

How about A COMPLETELY ORIGINAL STORY? Preferably one that's well-written, makes scientific sense, doesn't employ magic as a plot device (don't even get me started about "red matter") and is true to the spirit of the Original Series?

So, Starfleet has become more militaristic and aggressive in their mindset due to the destruction of Vulcan and the near-destruction of Earth, but all this goes away and they're ready to explore deep space and achieve Gene Roddenberry's original dream all because one looney militaristic Admiral gets offed? Oh, and all

But you shouldn't HAVE to read the graphic novel for an explanation of why Khan looks like Benedict Cumberbatch and not Ricardo Montalban. Are they going to hand one out to everyone when they buy their ticket to the movie? Maybe also a brochure for every unsuspecting moviegoer, explaining everything in the movie that

As well as "Wrong," "Useless," "Abusive" and "Utterly Full of Crap."

The existence of these people is why I never use urinals, and will wait for a stall even if my bladder is about to burst.

I don't think you'll have a problem with that, really. I have two old iPhones running older OSes, and as long as I don't try to load new apps on them they still work just fine for what they did when they were new(ish). I use one to stream music primarily, and the other as a bedside alarm clock. (They're otherwise

Name one smartphone model that's been supported for ten years.

"We were there first!" is equally embarrassing. Who cares? How about we just use whichever OS we like without hurling invective at the other? That goes for both sides. I'm very happy with iOS and I'm perfectly happy that Android exists. Who gives a shit, really? Then we apparently must have the 3,405,232nd "Apple

As we so frequently see with "24 hour news" networks, being the first is not the same as being the best. I suppose it's wasting breath to point out that what's best with regards to phone features is generally subjective.

I thought this was a great idea at first. Never could get used to it. Went back to the continuous keyboard after a week. Now I dictate a lot.

The expensive Hi-Fi VCR you bought in 1985 won't play Blu-Ray discs either. Poor you.

It's the only one I never saw (although I wish I hadn't seen Crystal Skull). So, can someone briefly explain to me how the guy got his heart ripped out and yet was still alive to scream all the way down to the fire? I'm guessing the answer is "Because MAGIC!", which will do.

You know what's worse than a restaurant bathroom? A multiplex movie theatre bathroom.

"To know death, Otto, you have to fuck life... in the gallbladder!"

It would be entirely different, as that would be a story about someone who lost her family in a car accident. This is a story about someone who lost her family for no explainable reason, who simply disappeared one day along with 140 million other people around the planet, presumably connected in some way that no one

More like the reverse of "The 4400" and no special powers; disappeared people don't return, just lots of people inexplicably vanish.

The series is based on a well-regarded and bestselling novel of the same name. The scenario is that about 2% of the world's population, randomly distributed across the entire globe in

Are you not familiar with the book upon which this series is based? It's not the evangelical Christian rapture. It's a randomly scattered distribution of people all over the world. Some Christian believers, but lots of non-believers, "the wicked" plus Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, et al. in every country. That