Sean Avery

They've been watching too many X-Games.

Typical Alex, always looking for someone to blame but himself.

No surprise here. He may have just grabbed him, but it's still assault.

@Sandy Lyle: She needs Gordon Bombay to represent her. He's undefeated you know.

Well, the mustache has its own Facebook page.

Flight Attendants? That's a good way to spread some STDs across a large area.

I wish they would've put a mustache on the mask.

"Pretend that you dropped your Prada handbag in a dirty puddle of water."

If he played enough GTA he would've realized that he needs a steal a Turismo first to outrun the cops. Noob.

Haha, that's so creepy.

I'm missing the part where she compares him to a rapist.

@Madge: Just wanted to make sure you weren't insulting the Repulicans, they're my homeboys.

"Because this group has a nudity angle, he filed a lawsuit to extort money out of me."

@Madge: Don't take cheap shots at the Repulicans, what did they ever do to you?

Damn, I don't have Michael Kolb on my fantasy team.

@Sir_Loin: I thought he was eating a popsicle.