Seamus The Crab

lol @ a Yankee fan mocking another fairweather fanbase for leaving early during the playoffs...

pretty sure they don't invite whoever they want into the rock & roll hall of fame

Cut him some slack: Learning to read in Louisiana typically requires a doctoral research grant, and the funds just weren't there this year.

We should start with a joke about Texans going to a gym of any kind.

The overlap between "people who express their opinions with image macros on the Internet" and "people who have ever done anything remotely resembling athletic training" has remained at a near constant of "0" since Al Gore (PBUH) invented the Internet.

an ineffectual injury proned hired gun for the most obnoxious franchise in sports history

Well, there is another option - when Missouri finally experiences the 90's, you guys are going to have a very difficult decision to make between cargo shorts and jorts. Both say "my retirement strategy involves beanie babies and scratch-offs", but only one can hold your fat ass AND an undeserved sense of

What on earth makes you think that's an actual possibility in reality? What you're suggesting is profoundly stupid on so many levels, and that's before you even consider that things would be fucking terrible across the board if they could. Is there any realistic scenario where giving these assholes MORE leverage works

According to the WNBA, with the decision to actively promote this campaign during a game broadcast, the league will be the "first to celebrate LGBT Pride on national television" with a game between the Tulsa Shock and the Chicago Sky on June 22nd.

This only serves to remind us that hunting without a permit is still a serious problem.

which is why hockey color outs are awesome, because the home team's sweater is a color not white

OMFG what does "go home" mean, ASSHOLE? Is this a real estate discussion? Are we talking about my home? Your home? The Home Shopping Network? The context is ambiguous! ALSO will you shut the fuck up and tell me how you "take a loss"? And if you think feces can be pious, you're far stupider than I thought!

That is the saddest comeback I have ever fucking seen.

Or worse - some poor White Sox usher would have to spend hours searching for the empty seat that needed to be cleaned up.

Uh, what would the rivalry be over? 3rd place in the division? Lack of post-season berths in the last 30 years?

From an ESPN article:

Because it doesn't support as many browsers, it's impossible to do anything with it on mobile, and all around it's people touting it as the end of all other formats that attribute to the blight.

Really? Because it certainly seems like you and Deadspin can't seem to shut the fuck up about him. The fact that you're obsessively replying to every comment in every thread on the article to evangelize the unconverted is eerily Tebow/Trout-like, and for those of us without any skin in the fight, it is just as fucking

Don't be fooled by the front page: it's a legit media outlet. Normally, they print their 5 page spreads about wrasslin' between op-eds on foreign policy and helpful hints columns about how to avoid overcooking your meth.

Oh shit, son: A scenario where the Red Sox fans actually are underdogs? Won't that increase their bitchiness exponentially, and propel them past the Sunday buffet crowd? #schrodingersbitches