Spiders, the pinnacle of laziness.
Say nothing about the fact that Devs put them in the game PRECISELY for the same reason this article is written..you know because they are scary.
That is all bollex...no they do it because they are lazy.
Spiders, the pinnacle of laziness.
Say nothing about the fact that Devs put them in the game PRECISELY for the same reason this article is written..you know because they are scary.
That is all bollex...no they do it because they are lazy.
You must not have watched the video where it mentions Sony created a different type of Liquid Metal so it doesn’t degrade like Standard. Also you make zero mention of the fact that people have them in Japan and have been testing them out and have made no mention of heating issues. They all say the run cool and quiet.
Oh we know for sure, or at least anyone with any PC technical knowledge. Liquid metal cooling, coupled with that giant heatsink acting like a vapor chamber and dual exhaust fan; not only will it keep the system incredibly cool, but also very quiet. It might end up being even quieter than XSX. It certainly should be…
Uhh, then you wouldn’t??? Lol clearly this article isn’t for you. Sheesh. Not everything is for everyone my man.
You have no idea what you are talking about. I have seen your comments here multiple times and you really do come across as a giant fanboy, passing of limited knowledge as some sort of tech guru. You are nothing of the sort.
For example, the reason why the system is so large is for PRECISELY what you call the “blower…
Uh you are 100% wrong on your comment about the SD. There are numerous videos and deep dives on what they did with it.
If it was as easy as you are saying than everyone would be doing it...
When the inevitable PS5 redesign comes out, we can expect a vapor chamber and smaller fan to make the system smaller. They won’t need that giant heatsink to be comparable to a vapor chamber. Right now though Sony’solution, while large is 100% effective in making sure it stays cool and quiet. I bet it ends up being…
Or they simply don’t care because they believe in generational divides like they said multiple time and cross-saves are only useful the first year of the generation for sony....
Sony had cross-play with saves last generation..they did think of it before Microsoft. I use to do it with my Vita and PS3 and then later the PS4.
So the first part of your comment is nonsense.
Of course it will be mediocre, but the game series isn’t high art. It has barely any story, and its really one of the bets modern examples of “games”. Games that are just fun to play and don’t need a story or all the superfluous stuff to have fun it.
People act like you have to make Citizen Kane out of every movie…
That is the other common misconception about the film. The modern military stuff is literately only in the beginning of the film for the setup. The rest of the film is about how their weapons don’t work and how they have to adapt to the weapons of the Monster Hunter world.
I read an article where it said they go through jungles, desert and frozen tundra in the movie.
Monster Hunter does not have deep lore. If anyone says theat you are a liar. The games are a shell that give you just enough story to provide a reason for monster killing. There is no great story or anything, so don’t get twisted thinking that it is some piece of high art in video games.
Monster Hunter has about as…
Seems like it was free for the span of like 3 minutes and then nothing. Probably an error of some sort.
Uhhh whot..
They already did, from famed director Takashi Miike. It was called Like a Dragon and it was pretty good.
They also did a movie based on the zombie spinoff.
You don’t spend 7.5 billion on a publisher and except not to make that money back up. No way MS keeps this exclusive. This is more about Microsoft branching out in publishing than buying studios for XBOX brand. I wouldn’t be to worried about Elder Scrolls and Fallout. New games from the studios though, who knows.
They recently turned a profit, so they are doing well now. Your manufacturing comment confuses me though. The entire preorder fiasco was because retailers jumped the gun instead of waiting. as for Manufacturing, Sony will have more systems at launch than even the PS4 did and they were not hard to get.
Don’t forget about Ratchet and Clank. It is a launch window title and the reason why I am getting one. Also playing this falls hottest games like AC Valhalla and Cyberpunk 2077 with better performance and graphics is totally worth a purchase too.
The world, and style definitely reminded me of Ivalice from FF Tactics, FF12 and Vagrant Story. I hope it ends up being set in it. Would be a nice call back.
WE have seen very little of the game so far so I bet by the end of it, we will have airships. If magic exists..then Airships are not far behind.