
It is because we spent so much time teaching a whole generation that “racism is bad” instead of “doing X, thinking X, institutionalizing X is bad.” So you’ve got a large amount of people who are racist as hell, but get genuinely pissed off when you accuse them of it because they’ve internalized racism as bad, but they

Seriously. They bring your food to the car. OK...

Culver’s employees bring my food to my table, and if there’s a line at the drive through they bring it to my car. No tipping. I’m pretty sure they just get paid, you know, like a normal fast food wage that’s screwing them over, but not like, sandpaper baseball bat style.

They know what they’re doing is morally repellent and will be rejected by large parts of society and could very well get them in trouble, yet they do it anyway.

If you’re doing school chants in public, you deserve to have someone beat a drum loudly in your face.

One of the things that riles me up most about MAGA chuds like this kid, as well as Trump and other GOP politicians like Steve King, is how constantly commit the most overt hateful racist acts, yet they refuse to own it directly when confronted by others or when it blows up in their face.

“We want to protect the giant toddler in the White House from having to answer for his crimes for once in his pathetic, deplorable life because it would drag most of the administration down with it and we’re too busy ensuring that black, brown and LGBTQ+ people don’t have rights anymore to give a fuck

I love how they complain about Senator Schumer as though he was the majority leader. If only! 

I love that she has the guts to clap back at these blowhards but is doing it in a way that is not calling them liars, sexists or alarmists, but by basically calling them idiots and making them prove their knowledge. I don’t think a lot of our politicians really know their stuff when it comes to constitutional law, tax

Men killing women over uncomfortable feelings of loss and fear steeped in misogyny and patriarchy is a pandemic.

“This is the point in the interview at which most rational human beings would turn the TV off, because it’s simply not credible.”

Lemme go a step further, McConnell and the Senate GOP have encourage the executives excesses:

Cue the GOP “we don’t need to protect Mueller, he’s fine!” and DNC “we’re not going to start investigating anything, we don’t need to!” fanfare.

And on this day, Donald Trump mounted the “you can’t even compliment a woman anymore” defense for his years of active sexual harassment and assault.

Seriously, anyone who confuses a well-meaning compliment (delivered in the proper context, at the appropriate time) with sexual harassment is either willfully

It goes back the 80's and the AIDS epidemic. Somehow they just can’t get past it...

Still angry, after all these years.

It’ll be the same ones they gave for Bush 2 - No excuses whatsoever; disdain for anyone who brings it up; collective amnesia; widespread denial of ever having voted for him or with him; and massive, unending vitriol for the person who replaces him and tries to get shit back into the realm of sanity.

My guess is they just stick with the complete denial of reality that they seem to be embracing right now. 

Like, the whole “Americans are suffering at home” argument would be valid, if these people gave a goddamn shit about that at all. Instead they try to take away healthcare, incarcerate and kill nonwhite people, suppress wages, make it illegal to be a woman or trans person and get adequate healthcare, among a laundry

But Posse Comitatus can only be suspended in the case that local authorities are overwhelmed and unable to enforce order or there is an insurrection. Surely the Supreme Court would intervene . . . . is a statement that I would have been a lot more confident in before Kavanaugh.

It’s going to lead to some Republican Allen West-level of shithead officer preemptively invading Mexico’s sovereign territory to kill some women and children.