Bit of a shame, really. He’s had 4 years to learn some new tricks and he hasn’t. My biggest worry is his fanboys will do the same as last time he lost and stay home or vote Trump again.
Bit of a shame, really. He’s had 4 years to learn some new tricks and he hasn’t. My biggest worry is his fanboys will do the same as last time he lost and stay home or vote Trump again.
This is how a lot of people described Ron Paul- sane, maybe even a bit refreshing for 30 seconds then a sharp right off a cliff and free fall to Crazy Town
Yeah, that’s what “countless” means to Redhats - they didn’t bother counting, because math is hard.
Unlikely. Those are located in the same phantom zone where GOP men take their mistresses to get the abortions they need without it counting as an immoral act or murder.
This is the perfect time for Jezebel to do a long piece about how MLMs prey on vulnerable women in the name of feminism and financial freedom when the reality is it sucks them dry and leaves them friendless and poorer than they started out. It’s so gross how MLMs work and what they do to people.
It’s par for the course if you’re a person of color. When I used to drive, and I got pulled over, the cops always came up with their guns already out. You just had to be used to it, and be ready to stay calm while the gun is pointed at your face, because the cops get really stressed out when they’ve got a gun in your…
So before anything even was happening, before he even said a single word to Truitt, he had his weapon drawn. How is this proper procedure again? Does Wild Bill Hickok here haul out his weapon to take a piss, too? Goes to pick up some takeout and he draws down on the clerk just in case?
One man’s entertainment is another’s racist fascist shitshow.
Trump is now, literally, the only “trusted” source of information for some of these people.
“Murrah is currently out on $2,000 bond”
It’s fucking amazing to me that spending at least $11 billion to improve commute times is more politically viable that just adding real mass transit to an area desperately in need of it.
Four years at USC with room and board costs close to $300k. The university will be happy to take your $500k and put your name on a plaque somewhere, and maybe give your kid a more serious look, but it’s no guarantee of admission if said kid is an airhead who’s more concerned with her Instgram account than studying.
You’re incorrect. There are limits and quotas for every year in every school. Even though YOU think they can just “add one more,” that’s not how it works. Stop asserting that this is a victimless crime. It DOES take slots away from people who deserve it, and it perpetuates money-based access to brand name education,…
Isn’t that the lawsuit funded by the race-baiting white guy who’s against affirmative action and also got that dumb white girl from Texas to sue UT even though her grades were subpar?
That’s the real takeaway buried in this story. Basically, corruption like this is OK in the eyes of the judicial system so long as it’s an “honest graft.” Which only happens if someone is ridiculously wealthy enough to buy a new dorm hall or athletic facility for some elite university. That’s how fucking high the deck…
“They can apply and have a good chance at being accepted at Yale, Columbia, Georgetown, Stanford...”
All those other schools are doing the exact same thing. “Who cares?” Tell that to the hundreds/thousands of disadvantaged children who can’t even get a foot in the door because of dumb assholes like Kushner who have Daddy to cover for them. You should care because this is how kleptocracies are formed.
While we’re at it, this is yet another good reason to bust NCAA sports. All of this greed by these so called institutions of higher learning. Institutes of higher profits is more like it.
When $500k is B league the rest of us normies are well and truly fucked.