of course there’s domestic violence. it’s basically a prerequisite
of course there’s domestic violence. it’s basically a prerequisite
So the dude specifically murdered these two grandparents because they’re black, but neither the mayor nor McConnell can muster any sentiment about two black people targeted just for being black? Guess we gotta get that “All Lives matter” shit again. Damn.
So... the ‘good guy with the gun’ just let the guy tip on out of there without shooting him after his “white don’t shoot white” speech? Also: really? I guess those scores of dead white people in the spate of mass shootings (and the other shootings throughout this country) were done by the phantom PoCs that inhabit…
Are you new to...the Earth? Lesson #1. If you’re white, you get three free hits on any police officer before they’ll shoot you. If you’re black, cops can kill you for any reason at all, and not even get a slap on the wrist.
No, it’s Punisher, because all stupid white men see themselves as hero vigilantes.
Wayne did get arrested, I just think that after going to the polling place with him, wearing (frankly quite sad) corresponding shirts and not dragging him off when he started brandishing and verbally abusing people, they bear some of the blame.
“the gun Wayne was flashing was actually a BB gun”
They're not even doing this shit with a wink anymore. Just blatant, out in the open fuckery.
Exactly. I’m actually kind of pissed she did this. Mostly because she gave in to Trump’s bullshit.
File the police report, even if they’ll just let the worthless asshole get away with it. No public figure should be allowed to grab a recording device from a member of the public to prevent them from asking/recording a question.
The Dems were so close to a great idea—make this about the Supreme Court again, and if the fates somehow give you the opening, make this about women
I’d go with the latter. Over and over (as here), they’ve demonstrated that a) they think they’re smarter than everyone else when b) they’re obviously barely competent enough to tie their own shoes.
BOOM. This is why Republicans hate and demonize unions. Collective bargaining and worker solidarity is frightening to capital.
This shows why unions are important.
It’s a hard case since most states are employ at will and he's a contractor to boot.
Maybe she’s not planning to. Maybe she’s actually a couple thousand years old, and every time she starts to show her age she hunts down, kills, and eats some poor person to extend her youthful appearance for another century.
Let’s only refer to the red areas “Shithole Counties.”