
Also consent to a search can be withdrawn. Even if she had previously said, “strip search me if you want,” then second she said stop, they have to stop. According to the officers themselves, she resisted the search. Well guess what officers? That mean you have to stop!

While this makes me sad, I do have a positive airline story to share. Recently a friend of mine flew Alaska Airlines and when she got to her destination she noticed a ton of her nice camping gear was stolen. She called the airline to complain and they sent her a voucher to buy new gear, and the voucher was for more

I’m going to try to be a wealthy, white, male millionaire when I next get pulled over. My Thurston Howell III impression is really going to come in handy. As an old black lady, it’ll be weird, but I may get out alive.

The law itself is consistent - we have one criminal code for the whole of the country. The provinces are only able to legislate “quasi-criminal” offences, which tend to be regulatory offences. Something like this wouldn’t fall under provincial jurisdiction.

I posted this below, but I’m reproducing it here because I usually turn up grey (I’m a Canadian lawyer):

Here’s the thing - in sexual assault cases DAs rarely want to go after the accused. It’s the only crime where the accuser’s word is just not good enough. So just because so-and-so was not charged with rape doesn’t mean they’re innocent.

How to start your day like Mocena:

I’ve been hospitalized for my asthma because I went out in 5 degree temperatures and I panicked. Panicking=short, faster breathes and tense muscles.

I do, too. This is terrifying. My great-grandmother died during an asthma attack. I know the panic that sets in when your inhaler isn't doing the trick.

It’s utterly disappointing and heartbreaking that this keeps happening.

Oh my god.

I think it feels “scary damn good” when you need it because it actually relieves anxiety. I don’t feel like I get high, I feel like I get a break.

Serious question here: how addictive is Xanax? I may seriously have to try and get a prescription. I’m currently an official basket case. My dad was recently diagnosed with a GBM (stage 4 brain cancer), my mom’s doing her best, but still shattered, and my younger brother and his wife are, um how can I put this

I figured it was a branch of Wolfram & Hart.

She sent them to Camp Tamarack, which is where my kids have gone every summer for years. It’s a very nice camp and the kids will be well cared for there. And my guess is a lot of their friends will be there as well. So I think it’s a decent decision.

Yes, there is evidence of abuse right now because the father could stop this.

Also a plot line on The Good Wife!

The statement that there is no burden of proof is false. The previous commenter does not understand the burden of proof.

I’m a family law attorney, and my office has been up in arms about this all week.

I have a suggestion. Along with banning children who are unvaccinated for anything other than a medical reason from public schools and child care facilities (private facilities can make their own determination about allowing unvaccinated children, which will likely influence the success of their business), insurance