
I see Elizabeth not so much an anti-vaxxer but a hand-wringing, pearl-clutching, indecisive mess: "Oh, I just don't know!! Jess said she read this thing on Facebook about vaccines causing autism, but Todd says they are perfectly safe, and I just don't know what to do!"

In the sequel, Scout becomes a superhero named "Mockingbird" and the United States Government attempts to neutralize the threat, led by her conflicted father, Atticus.

Nice, vomit-y headline!

leading with panties creaming regarding a man who spent the better half of the past two decades doubting his carreer, after being mentally torn over being sexualised. Really.

As someone about to start disability leave because i am SUICIDAL I say fuck this fucking guy.

But they weren't just having sex, they were making child porn. That's a whole different level and could be so fucking dangerous for them.

Why do you feel like this article is talking about you or anything you've done? I'm a man, I don't feel mistreated or misrepresented by this or virtually any widely-read or well-regarded feminist article about sexism and harassment. Know why? Because I don't engage in harassment, nor do I associate or sympathize with

It's actually about ethics in Ghostbusting.

No, you've got it all wrong. A lawsuit like this is GOOD for feminism. I'm sure this chain is guilty of what they have been accused of, as with other (Hooters, breastaurants of various sorts of variety). The more we limit women as being seen as attractive ornaments to draw in customers the better for ALL of us.

Yeah, I'm gonna keep right on peeing whenever I have to pee, thank you very much.

If the difference between terminating an anencephalic fetus at 21 weeks and euthanizing a senior citizen escapes you, I'm genuinely concerned for your ability to take care of yourself.

that's literally how gifts work.

There's something unsettling about "I'm not a bitch" in the same sentence as "I was cheating on him after four years."

I got engaged when I was in college. When the relationship ended a year later I tried giving the ring back to my ex. It wasn't a particularly expensive ring, under $200 (white gold with a baguette cut aquamarine), and he insisted that I keep it. It was an emotional breakup and I don't think he could handle keeping the

My ring is made out of organically-grown, free-range lentils and the artisans who made it actually paid me to take it off their hands.

Aren't you the one who was screaming at some poor thing in pissing contest for getting drunk at a museum gala, in a room without any displays?

"and it's a good thing if there's one more outlet out there, trying to make stuff women want to see"

Is the implication here that women don't like Oscar-Bait or "splodey" movies? Because literally every woman in my life will fight you.

Don't sigh at me. It's dramatic and condescending.