
What??? I didn't see any bags under her eyes. Besides, even if she does have bags, this spot was filmed months ago, likely when the hyperemesis gravidarum she suffers during pregnancy was at its height. Please tell us how awesome you look after vomiting so often you have to be hospitalized, while raising an 18 month

The first time I was engaged, he ended it when I was 3 months pregnant. Turns out he'd been cheating on me for months with a friend of ours (she'd even seen the sonogram and told me how happy she was for us. Bitch). I kept the ring, but had to sell it when my daughter was about 10 months old so I could pay the gas and

We frequently jail people - even children - for assaulting someone with a chemical agent. Which is exactly what H 20 2 is - a chemical agent. It's used as a bleaching agent in more dilute forms and as a propellant in rocketry in higher concentrations. The solution Hale used, the more dilute form, is still capable

Fridriksson and his guessing was where I started actually laughing out loud!

Oh my god, that is fantastic!! I missed the 'Superior Court' portion of your comment, so I was hoping it was on my side of the border here in the Buffalo Niagara region. Sadly, none of our jurists are this entertaining.

Actually, that DOJ statistic is only valid through 2010 and is solely based upon the National Crime Victimization Survey, which not only excludes victims under the age of 12, but has had other problems with reporting statistics.


That's incredibly smart advice. When my baby sis had her 1st, she almost died due to aa series of complications (stroke before delivery, placenta accreta, severe hemorrhaging, etc) and somehow my mother managed to make it all.about.her. (She's a basket full of crazy, that woman)

...but it's easier than it is on the one doing the birthing.

The House of Heaton. Three contend but only one shall lay claim to the Iron Throne.

I agree that someone impersonating an exploited worker is contrived and immensely wrong, but calling the issue of exploited workers around the world a "pet cause" is disingenuous and incredibly naive. 21 million victims of labor exploitation is not a "pet cause," it's an actual problem.

Approximately 80% of clothing sold in the US was manufactured by companies with sweatshop labor conditions. That's not a "contrived civil rights action", that's a disgusting and awful reality, whether you care for it or not.

If you see someone killing a child, please call the police. If you encounter a woman who has had or needs an abortion, please attend a biology class and learn the difference between a zygote, a fetus, and an actual child.

Evie Havok left this charming gem on the Gawker article. She knows exactly how repulsive she sounds.

Ha, I love the reason your parents' cat is named Smokey. When I went off to college my parents separated and my mother got herself two kittens. She named them Smoke and Fog. My kid sister (she was in high school) renamed them Bacardi and Corona. They were the runts of litter and so adorable.

I like you. Personally, I've been thrilled when people notice I've lost weight. (Personally, me. Not speaking for all women or implying that all women should feel like I do.) My weight has been a lifelong issue for me (bulimia was an uphill battle for a decade), though since I had my daughter 11 years ago I've

Lol. I do that a lot too. :)

I think you're completely missing KorbenDallasBathroomPass's joke...

Right. Because it's not as thought he said he fucked up.

Thank you, so much. It's been a difficult time, but memories help with the grief. I hope it's a very long time before you have to say goodbye to your father! Just know that when you do, little things like handkerchiefs will bring a smile :)