
My father always carried a handkerchief, as did his father, and Mr. Scylla and my brothers-in-law do as well. To me, carrying a handkerchief is a custom I have fond memories of and is so utterly charming. My father just passed away and we held his memorial this past Saturday. When we were in the front row at the mass,

The 5th is very conservative - Bush I and II both had judges from the 5th of their short lists for SCOTUS. My brother-in-law clerked for Emilio Garza who was on Bush II's short lists and hated the way he ruled (my brother-in-law is very liberal and worked with Elizabeth Warren to form the CFPB - he took the clerkship

It takes a while for the uterus to contract back to size and for the stomach muscles, which have been stretched for 9 months, to go back to normal. Most women still look pregnant a day after giving birth :-) I know when I had my daughter I wore maternity clothes home!

I DO feel this article should say "allegedly" as the previous Gawker articles did, as she has not been convicted and is therefore innocent until proven guilty in a court of law - however that doesn't apply to the court of public opinion. When a mother walks in to find two of her children stabbed to death in a bathtub

Obviously I can't speak for other moms, but for me, the breathing exercises and attempting to meditate worked best during the early stages of labor. I started when the contractions weren't too bad or too close together, making myself breathe and focus as a sort of proactive pain control. That was so helpful and

No, it most likely cannot get them sued. You can construe it as whatever you like, but it's not a violation of privacy as it's not your computer. You do not own it, nor do you own the software, the programs or anything else on it. And, quite frankly, your company is most likely to buckle to a subpoena when it comes

It's totally pop! Soda is club soda, thankyouverymuch.

Oh yes, we sure do! He's Brooklyn born and raised :) We're at the point where we're just going to make up new names for everything. (As if Mini-Scylla wasn't confused enough already by our bickering...)

Mr. Scylla is from NYC, so he constantly says "on line". Since we live on the opposite end of the state now (where I've always lived), I tease him about it ALL the time. We say "in line" here, and that's it!

Exactly - it's IN line around these parts, not ON line!

Agreed - I always refer to highways and the like as "the" (405, 90, 198, etc.). Mr. Scylla, however, does not and this has resulted in quite a few debates about which way is correct. (See also: waiting in line vs. waiting on line.)

Oh my god, yes, please - that would be awesome. Though, I'd just spend all day in front of my tv and never leave the house.

Totally. And, sadly, we now know that Brian Moylan isn't Jesus...

My rule of thumb is to always go with business casual (unless otherwise stated...)

Even though the man and I work for the same law firm, I've luckily managed to avoid this, as we not only keep our relationship incredibly private, but we work in different cities. It also helps that we're both associate attorneys, and technically equals in the firm.

This is a combined post, so please bear with me.

@leytpr4: That would be great! I PM'd you :)

@leytpr4: @jummy: @Gnatalby: @Wolfabeast: @Scoldy Lox: @la.donna.pietra: @Edie Spencer: Thank you all, so much, for your kinds words and advice. Hearing from other people that it's okay to be sad/upset REALLY helped. I took some time and let myself cry, made an appointment with my therapist and spent a