
@galaxina: It really is, isn't it? Until now, my daughter and nephews only knew my mother as the woman they visit who's sick. It melted my heart too see her smile and hug them!

@RoughHouser: Thank you! The old adage "It's better to give than receive" was certainly reinforced yesterday!

@feministabroad: They might take care of you when you're old too. Plus, you can write embarrassing things about them on the internet when they're little and they WILL NEVER KNOW (until they learn how to google).

This will be a long comment, so I apologize in advance.

@SlayBelle: I really don't want to take it in the wrong way either. New Orleans does have a sizable Jewish community, one which has grown over the past few years. It's not exactly out of line to propose the fact that perhaps Louis's biological mother (or biological father) is Jewish. As we, the masses, don't know

@ShrutiBorus: I assumed that perhaps Louis's birth mother (or birth family) was Jewish and she plans on bringing him up in the Jewish faith?

@itsonreserve: Glad I read downthread before I posted the same exact thing! My doctor asked if I wanted to see the placenta when she delivered my daughter. After 32 hrs of labor, all I wanted was to hold my daughter. My pre-med sister (who was my coach) was ALL ABOUT IT. They bonded and she actually let my sister

Shitass Scott Baio just tweeted at Sarah Palin: "Never mind the "Keyboard Jockeys" that hate on innocent children. U can post pics of your children 2". I clicked on her twitter page to see the other remarks and have subsequently gone blind. Sigh. STFU Bob Loblaw.

My daughter has a special ballet dance she does to the original Alphaville version (I'm an old!) and when I played her this, she sang all the Alphaville parts and we danced around the living room while we listened. I prefer the original, but having Beyonce up there with him was fantastic! They are clearly in love

@boxspelunker: Bless you a million times for saying that. When I was her age, my parents didn't believe me when I told them about my uncle, so I always swore that my child would know she could come to me no matter what and I would do absolutely anything to keep her safe and happy. I've been beating myself up re: the

@boxspelunker: Thank you for the compliment, it means a lot :) As a single mom, sometimes it's tough not to have another parent to discuss the issue with. Very, very thankful for Jezzies tonight!! We have definitely talked about the appropriate/inappropriate touching issue. I try to do it every few months, and her

@Oleander: I quite frequently develop the not-so-sudden urge to punch her in the face! (Ok, I kinda want to do it ALL THE TIME.) Sadly, I am in the legal field and am no longer allowed to get arrested. Her daughter, the entire time I've known her, at least, has been more physically aggressive than most kids. It was

@ytuhermanotambien @BookPrincess: Thank you, ladies! Inviting her over to our place for a playdate seemed to be my first inclination. I kinda worry about her spending time with them at all, but I remember when my parents did the same thing to me (but it was because my friend's parents weren't as wealthy - yes, my

Ugh, I'm so conflicted and could use some advice.

@Bunsen Honeydew: Welcome! Oddly enough, his mother still insists on getting together for lunch whenever I'm in NYC on business (about 4x's a year). She also can't stand my sister, her *actual* daughter-in-law. Holidays tend to be kind of awkward around these parts...

Entertainment Tonight: it's completely normal to get the marriage license two days before the ceremony, geniuses! Not normal (or, advised)? Getting one at 2 a.m. (thanks, lady at the wedding chapel who knew someone at the County Clerk's Office) after 7 vodka martinis, signing it with a purple sparkle pen and suddenly

@AfroJezeBella: Actually, the average adoption of a child from a Haitian orphanage takes somewhere between 18 months to 2 1/2 years. You're correct on the paperwork, background checks (also - fingerprints, home studies, etc.). A great number of orphans have been granted humanitarian parole - but to those children

@schlegs84: Thanks! If I hear anything, I'll absolutely let you know!