
@schlegs84: They're staying with the Livesays!! That's how she's been able to get information through. She (and many others) ran the Disney marathon on Sunday to raise money for the Heartline Ministries Woman's Center and then flew to Haiti on Monday. We're incredibly fortunate in that so many people don't know if

My boss and his wife are finishing the process of adopting a boy from Haiti and she flew into Haiti on Monday to spend the week with him. She was finally able to get in touch (via Facebook) and let everyone know they're alive, but being safe, however, is an entirely different matter. Things are incredibly bad. They

I was surprised how much this article upset me when I first read it, but after I read some of the comments here I was able to articulate some of my frustration in (what I hope is) a clear manner:

Double post, my apologies.

Sometimes when I let my puppy "off the leash", she runs into the street and comes perilously close to being hit by a car. I'm just sayin'

Michel Houellebecq

Must now go and steal my Samantha doll back from my daughter. Kit can stay and show her how to be mischevious and plucky during the new Depression. Plus, ya know, she solves crime...