
Good kinja.

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If your favorite character from Animal House was Niedermayer, don't cheer for SMU

It's not a slam dunk at all. It's a 3-pointer, dummy.

It's also one of the coolest-looking stadiums in the world. I say this without hyperbole.

[asks for God to show him a sign]
[closes eyes]
[opens eyes]
[sees sign]
[sign says "All You Can Eat - $6.99"]

-JaMarcus Russell

Rolle originally considered retiring and working from home after receiving an email from a man with a very successful cousin

This reminds me so much of Danny Ainge's since-forgotten obsession with a similar form of crackpot phrenology, "brain-typing."

because racecar

It was found 20mi from where it was found?? Whoa, Lost and Found inception.



Fitting that Novak would be "Bud Wiser" since both have terrible hops.

$259 a month for a 2006 Mazda??

The very idea of this makes me cringe. Poor North's face in those pictures says it all, really. That kid is going to need so much therapy, and not the retail kind.

I find the idea of "fashion" bulletproof vests very, very disturbing. Even more so on a small child.

Though already quite familiar with this process, this was an excellent read Tyler. The fantastic pictures that went with this are top notch!

Probably the first time I've seen a mom get into a teen beef without having to turn the private browser on

Would pay top dollar to watch her legitimately destroy Justin Beiber on the basketball court.