
Kid: AHHH MY NECK, MY BACK, AHHHHH!!!.... Wait, he doesn't have insurance?! You are not allowed to define what a slur means unless you are the object of that slur. And even then, it's a slippery slope. Please stop.


Oh my god, seriously. Just because she also hates Iggy Azalea doesn't mean she's awesome. The enemy of my enemy is sometimes still just a huge fucking douchebag.

Hi, can people stop defending Azealia Banks NOW?

The writers at Jezebel are terrified of calling out Azealia Banks for her laundry list of bullshit. Anyone else who would have said a quarter of the bullshit she's said would have three articles a week for a month, but not her. She has this blog shook. Or they tacitly agree with her.

well, "even if i am a homophobe… so what? i still make more money than you" could be the dumbest shit ive heard a black woman say but oh well.

What offends me is the anti-vax people are apparently saying they would rather their children be dead than get autism. That's a very hateful message.

A lot of grocery stores don't have a system that lets you pick and choose how much produce to buy and you're forced getting two pounds of carrots, 75% of which is going to rot away in your crisper.

I've done it unintentionally a few times while playing.

Olimpicos (aka scoring directly from a corner kick) aren't all that common, but I'm pretty sure Deadspin has written about them before:

I lost my shit at the attack helicopter comment at the end.

Not in 1974. It was common nomenclature then. I also object to the characterization that it was "absurdly racist". Keep in mind that this was a different age and time.

king henries and their neck injuries. smdh

This looks reads less 'sexy' and more 'the face you make when someone you thought was cool says something real racist and you're like "wtf"'

Channel 40/29 is really milking the value of the purchase of a phone polling system they made back in 1987.

Nope. If the mountain is onMY property, it's MY mountain and he better get the fuck off it, I don't care what his name is.

It's a sham, wow. I know the perfect spokesperson.

Is that a No More Wife Beater?