
It's natural light, but for some reason they took the pictues at midday (check the shadows). No surprise that her skin is overexposed. This isn't professional photography (unless they're going for some oddball arty thing I'm not familiar with.) Hell, it's not even competent amateur photography. The angle, framing,

I am also one of the SuperPalePeople, and I was wondering why they didn't light her better. Pale is fine, not everyone needs to be Ballroom Dancer Orange, but the pictures almost look overexposed or washed out. (Can digital photography be overexposed?)

I honestly think it's mostly that men aren't raised to have an internal, never-ending shame if their house isn't Martha Stewart levels of clean and perfect like women are. It's not that they can't, or won't clean - it's that they honestly don't have that same societal pressure there driving them to do it.*

No, some are from Reddit.

Because bicyclists are so unpredictable, that is the space motorists assume they take up already. The metal framework just puts the cherry on top.

I was tricked into watching an entire highlight of hockey thinking there would be a great highlight of the hoodie throw. Bamboozled by BIG Hockey yet again. When will basketball be back...


Fuck you, man.

So is karate now just rhythmic gymnastics for men?

This is an entirely different discussion. But I agree!

Teams that use this loophole should be forced to take the cap hit if players on the LTIR whose careers are clearly over do not come off of the IR and play a set number of games.

Soccer needs a small change to discourage 0-0 ties. No goals, no points. If you scored zero goals, you lose, if both teams score zero goals, both lose.

Wasn't this already posted on a Gawker site..?

Jesus, I haven't seen knees collapse like that since Duante Culpepper.

Isn't the bigger story here that they let a mechanic officiate an NFL game?

So now the refs have to determine applicability of religious expression? This is not going to end well.

The NFL still has a problem if it has set itself up to be an arbiter of which religions are legitimate and which ones aren't. Perhaps Antonio Brown worships a god who requires him to spin the football like a top after every touchdown.

Making contact with the ball is not the same thing as recording a base hit. A base hit is when a batter hits the ball into fair territory and reaches first base safely without the benefit of an error or fielder's choice. Hitting the ball to a fielder for an out, as in the play above, is not a hit.

Looks to me like the center made a great play: he saw that the DE was offside, so the center intentionally snapped the ball early to guarantee the penalty. Go to the :25 mark of the video and you'll see the center do exactly that.