

So is the Rising Sun seen as the eastern equivalent of the Nazi flag?

Is it available to everyone? Yes.

It is easy to learn? Yes.

/Not a game killer.

1. No.

this is the best feels picture ever.

Jesus H, this even touched my shriveled, cynical heart.

"Elliot Rodger and Why Cops Didn't Take the Warning Signs Seriously"

I'm not saying that this guy wasn't profoundly fucked up an misogynistic. I'm saying that the police involvement in this case wasn't necessarily hampered by sexism per se. Two separate arguments.

In the case of Elliot Rodger we need to consult clinical psychiatrists rather than "sexperts". The police were not trained in mental health crisis intervention and had no way to know they were being lied to by a an actual psychotic.

Not all food.

Dante Stallworth's car, but good luck.

People selling their rap CDs. "I am a cross between Macklemore and Jay-Z." Ok, well I am a cross between believing you are full of shit and not willing to part with $10.00.

I thought the trick to losing belly fat was to read a bunch of HamNo fitness posts about how I'm doing everything wrong and instead focus on forearms.

"Here's your problem. See this support column? Looks like it was designed by a guy who learned calculus at a school which spent its money on a football stadium instead of a decent teacher."