
And the ex-wife is about to go missing in 3...2...1...

I've really enjoyed it, except for the fact that it makes me SUPER paranoid about having anything stuck in my teeth when I awkwardly/braggingly bring up its existence at parties. "Here, I'll show you! ....and the remnants of that spinach salad I had earlier. Enjoy."

Because he's looking you in the eye, not at your chest. Takes a little getting used to.

Next up from Big Facebook:

The "You're Married. Why Haven't You Bred?" button.

I have some other questions about Detroit for you, Aaron:

I was at the game and am disgusted with the nats security. The dude was dumb but security sucked. He just stood there and the jive ass security sucker punched him and then tackled him before dragging him off field. And then the asshole fans cheered.

could just be benchmarking the upload system for youtube at differing times of traffic load on the upload system

Well, I know who I'm rooting against.

There is an enormous Filipino population in Norcal.

As someone who was busted on 2 separate occasions by the police in my back seat with a lady-folk, it makes me sad that many kids will never know the rush of trying to sound professional talking to a cop while naked.

Yeah, I don't think this is commentary on forcing yourself to be attracted to someone who you're not attracted to. It's about letting societal pressure bully you out of being attracted to someone who you ARE attracted to.

Hey, I just don't think that this sort of thing should be shown on television. It is just too over the top. I don't want my children exposed to this sort of thing, and it is just not part of my belief system that this sort of thing is appropriate.

Yes, and the Africans were allowed to witness the greatness of auctioneering first hand.

For everyone who says white people didn't create anything, I give you AUCTIONEERING!