
Because they are taught to shoot to stop. And this isn't the movies where the cop can land one perfect shot that stops a perp cold with no threat of return fire. So they are told to keep shooting until the threat is neutralized.

Gluten free diets are the most stupid fad out there (unless you're actually gluten intolerant). As far as I'm concerned, people simply saw that some foods had "gluten free" on the packet and decided it must be bad for you.


I was surprised to find that you could buy a (presumably unarmed) drone at Barns & Noble. Also, that my city still had an open Barns & Noble.

I think that area is far more inhabited than you imagine. I would guess there's a housing estate hiding back in those trees, and that the pedestrian crossing is for something like a bus stop. We also don't know what's behind the camera that might impact the decision to put a speed hump at this location.

V Stiviano was born the following year, the first step in the NBA's cunning 31-year plan to rid themselves of Donald Sterling.

Minnesota plans to honor Niederreiter by naming its first major storm this summer after him.

UUUHMM, in my neck of the woods, handcuff jewelry is a quasi discreet display of being someones sub. Or, a means of wearing your 'slave collar/jewelry' out in public without freaking out the vanillas.

I do wonder what would happen if smallpox got out in a town today. It actually seems to me that it would spread more quickly. People nearby will find out and flee so quickly it might not be possible to contain it.

The team's value is what it is, they can't change that. That $1 billion was already an asset he possessed - he's not any richer, he's just converting the asset to cash.

And how exactly would they extract $1 Billion from him? They can't seize his property, beyond the maximum assessable fine.

Goddamnit. Sorry, Minneapolis.

I thought the vagina was the exclusive habitat of the centipede?

Finally, a David Stern mention. If anyone needs to be called out for enabling, it's that guy. Stern was more strict on dress codes than he ever was on Sterling, even after his inner Marge Schott became public knowledge. Stern should have shut Sterling down, years ago but he didn't and here the NBA is in 2014,

I guess it's unfortunate that we find it creepy?

I'll be That Guy. There's a lot being done to play up how awful this person is—woman driver! SUV! speeding (by 6mph)!—but I've had some terrifying encounters with idiots on bicycles. Like, there but for the grace of whoever go I in my car over the bicycle and body of some dipshit that thinks it's acceptable to ride

I would love to make money doing this, unfortunately the market for lacy panties previously worn by overweight hairy guys in their thirties is shockingly low.

Those last 14 paragraphs really snuck up on me.

The best part was when he had the American flag draped over his shoulders and they made him take it off to wear the sponsorship towel.

OKC's low point for me was when they gave me a 96% match with a guy who's well known in the secular feminist community for being a virulent misogynist.

Oh man I really hope someone hires him and screams "MIC CHECK" into his dong.