
That's ridiculous. I've never kidnapped anyone that way.

Your thought process is the reason why mental illness is not taken as seriously as other illnesses.

I must say, I have zero reverence for religious symbols. To say it is thousands of years old does not lend it sacrosanct status. Even more so, there is much reason for some to purposefully debase Hinduism, much in the same way that critics of Christianity might invert the cross. Of course, the irony of the inverted

Newtons, "matured"...."system guy" they built the offense around his " skill set "

Asian pitchers are a little notorious for having very unorthodox deliveries and mechanics. Which can be deceptive. Hawk has never been racist before, and he's been in the booth a loooooong time. I know he's loathed because he's a homer, but he does deserve the benefit of the doubt here.

I saw an exhibition of this once in L.A.. One team was wearing red, and one was wearing blue, and they were fighting in the middle of the street. I didn't see any refs, and I think some of them had weapons, and then the police came and everyone ran, except one guy who may have been dead. It was good clean fun, I'm


I didn't see any people crossing the line set by police. They left of their own accord.

They really shouldn't have been sleeping without protective headgear if they didn't want to be hit in the head by hammers. I mean, jesus, can you blame the poor guy? These horrible women, just lying around with uncovered heads, practically begging to be assaulted... when will women learn that attacking women with

For everyone who thinks this is acceptable: Hey, you know what's really easy to flip over? Motorcycles! Who's with me?!

Is "Whinenicious" a typo? Who cares, it's brilliant.

When it doesn't set fire to adjacent structures or collapse after the first earthquake I'll admit they managed to build a wacky building and that is all.

Naw, an abomination perhaps...

But he's filming in landscape.

Should have just said "What's up, redskin?" to show he values and honors the man's history.

I can neither confirm nor deny my existence as Banksy. You are my avatar rival, that is the simple truth.

You say this to me like every 6 months - unless you are Banksy, I'm pretty sure you got it from the same place I did.

Nice avatar, thief.

It's not tough to set a consecutive game streak when you're a time traveler. #WHERESTHEBIRTHCERTIFICATE

"You're telling me that was the right club."