
Jeebus. Thank you for your work. Sincerely.

For my own safety I won’t directly say, but southern US. I work at an abortion clinic, so I tend to be at crazy ignorant jerk ground zero six days a week.


When I think of someone who wears a disguise and beats up the dregs of society, Batman has conditioned me to assume that person is actually a billionaire.

So your Spencer-puncher is most likely Donald J Trump.

Well, at least he’ll never have to reset it, because he’ll never forget.

I believe she’d be better named as Kremlin Kelly.

When I saw his portrait at the top of the site, I immediately said “Are you fucking kidding me?”

Gremlins was released in the summer as well, and there’s snow everywhere! And Phoebe’s Santa story. So I’d say burden of proof is on the film, not the release date.

Reminds me of a great episode of Newsradio. The Andy Dick character loved an old show, and his boss gave him a collection of the episodes. When others got “better” gifts and he was disappointed, the boss told him he gave him not just the episodes, but also the RIGHTS to the show.He bought him the whole show. 

They should all ban together to make it impossible for him to tweet. Tim Cook can lock out the app from his and his “girls” iPhones. Larry Page can make all search results for twitter from his IP addresses return nothing (he can lock out the Android phones too, not sure what Dumb Donnie uses). Sheryl Sandberg can

thats a pretty piss poor joke, csb.

Ancient Egyptian beauty secrets for the afterlife... linen mummy wrappings provide not only comfort and support, they also lift and separate.

God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys god. Man creates dinosaurs..

We can always give the name octarine to the future element 120, as 120 is a multiple of 8. It would be a shame for an element called octarine to not be related to 8, and doing so might awake the wrath of Bel-Shamharoth.

Now playing

Is that all of them now? No room left for Tom Lehrerium?

The failure to pick octarine as a name sucks. Instead we get 3 crappy names for places and 1 actually well named element. Meh.

Went to my sister’s wedding in rural Vermont, and six of us walked two miles from the resort to the local theater to see The Blair Witch. That was a LONG walk back in the dark afterwards.

You mean Eternal Darkness, right?