Not really seeing what others are here. I didn’t really like Bao either(I thought it was kinda cute and then the Mom ate the dumbling baby and I had to talk a 4 year old down every night for a week).
Not really seeing what others are here. I didn’t really like Bao either(I thought it was kinda cute and then the Mom ate the dumbling baby and I had to talk a 4 year old down every night for a week).
Def, I stopped going to LA Comic Con years ago, back when it was still Stan Lee’s Comikaze.
It just really pales in comparison to something like Wondercon. It only benefitted from being an ok con during the autumn/winter when most of the really good Cali cons are during the Spring/Summer
Remember back when we all thought W was the literal face of Satan? That America could and would sink no lower? Oh, what heady day those were! Such innocence... Clinton lied about a blowjob and then Baby Bush was all Texan and us on the left had just *stomps feet and crosses arms* had it! I just... yuh know, fuck…
I seem to remember George Bush slapping Laura’s ass at an event, and everyone went crazy because it was so un-presidential. Remember the old days? When Bush was a reviled president who lovingly smacked his wife’s ass? I’ll take that anyday over President McCheater Philanderer “grab em by the pussy” Drumpf
A temporary city. A global cultural movement based on 10 practical principles
I stand by my statement, even at $6 that’s a gallon of ice cream to be eaten rather than thrown on the ground.
Your comment and meme pretty much sums up my opinion of Lifehacker and it’s parent networks over the past few years.
We didn’t have near enough money when I was growing up to just be throwing perfectly good ice cream on the ground like this and at least as the child in the scenario eating the ice cream sounds a lot more fun than trying to catch it. But you do you I guess.
Also, have you ever tried anchoring a body to the bottom of the Detroit River with an LCD? Don’t even bother.
I agree. I think it’s always dumb, but the dumbness is slightly less now. The chances of a run killing someone in a direct way due to higher traffic seems much higher than the chance the somehow they divert resources that could have helped a coronavirus patient and so someone else dies that way.
Sorry, not buying it. This was likely the safest time this could have been done. As you said, hardly anyone is on the road. I’m not buying the Alex Roy argument either, “They could have hit a truck carrying precious medical supplies”. Well, yeah but I’ll bet that’s statistically pretty low. I think most of the…
“If literally one thing goes wrong—if the team needs to call for help or a tow truck, if they get stopped, if they crash—literally anything goes wrong here and these guys would be pulling resources from an otherwise already overloaded system, not to mention potentially increasing the risk of contracting coronavirus by…
So much this. I just got a car with adaptive cruise control and I pretty much just sit in the same lane for my entire commute and stop worrying about it.
I don’t know how their test ended up, but here’s what Mythbusters and research by a professional driving instructor (me) has come up with.
Serious missed opportunity not calling them Birkensocks.
Serious missed opportunity not calling them Birkensocks.
You know why he was 30 minutes late? They were waiting on the sun to be in the right position for him to make that Sun God entrance through the double doors. What an evangelical piece of stagecraft, how theatrical. I’m surprised the Mormon Tabernacle Choir wasn’t there to burst into Hallelujahs!
Higher than they were, clearly.
Those ships were clearly still in the atmosphere. Wasn’t that the whole point of the scene, that they couldn’t ascend out of atmo without guidance or whatever?
I would suspect Mr Edwards is not going to fair so well in the pokey.