When people actually do eat the rich, you’ll be first on the grill.
When people actually do eat the rich, you’ll be first on the grill.
“Someone who isn’t a left wing extremist...”
Somehow, this piece of info was barely a blip in the DM article:
I feel like if I don’t forward this on to ten friends, she will come after my family.
“Behind every regulation is a psychopathic murderous dwarf.”
“Barnett grew more alarmed when she saw the little girl naked for the first time.
“I wanted that MG TF”
P100D Turbo is my preference
Shut the fuck up, tomato.
As Salty points out, there are lots of teens that look like adults and lots of adults that look like teens, our own assumptions about age are not infallible.
Look man if I am tending bar and some chick with a full beard saddles up I am not carding her and she's probably going to drink for free.
They don’t have to serve you, and (protected classes aside) they don’t have to have a good reason. Considering the penalty for being wrong, a bartender should definitely set their Spider-Sense bar higher than the law’s. If I must err one way or the other, I’d much rather deny an of-age person than serve an underage…
Don’t be a stupid ass and look directly at the sun whilst the eclipse is happening...
No one ever moves for me! No women not men! I think it’s bc I’m 5'. People think I require no space and take the space that is rightfully mine.
I do, too, but I think I’m just going to start biting. Either they move or i go to jail. Win/win.
Do you also get the most incredulous faces? Like WHOA I AM A MAN YOU SEE ME RIGHT?
Post-wine texted this to the ex-husband who keeps contacting me
You should also stop calling beer pong beirut because the only people I know who do that are douchebags whom nobody likes.
I fixed it for you.