Scuba Steeeve

Except it doesn’t. Just because they knew he was going to say it (even if that’s the case) doesn’t mean that they felt empowered to do anything about it. Removing themselves from the stream by ducking honestly feels like the only way they could have said “hey, we’re not taking a side here, we’re staying out of it”

Also 40% of Epic Games.

I highly doubt Blizzard would’ve banned anyone for being a Trump supporter. I mean, unless they vocally supported his trade war against China.

Just put in a ticket to delete my Blizzard account because of this shit. The time has come for consumers to start holding corporations responsible for kowtowing to authoritarian regimes for the sake of money.

South Park has never been alt-right. They’ve gone pretty far out of their way to cast Trump and his cronies in a bad light since before the 2016 election. They literally had a Canadian version of Trump get fucked to death. You don't get much less alt-right than that.

South Park, thankfully, ditched the whole tryhard libertarian schtick years ago. They’ve been pretty consistently critical of Trumpets, while every single internet libertarian I’ve seen has been more concerned with strawman socialists and keeping their guns than they’ve been with America’s side into neofacism.

It was in poor taste. I get the point it was trying to make, and I was fortunate enough not to see it until after the images were removed, but still poor taste.

Duke Nukem Forever is a mediocre game with some enjoyable moments and some cringey ones. It's only regarded with such negativity rather than the resounding shoulder shrug that it deserves because it took so long.

Dorothea is definitely bi. You can romance her as either gender or build up her relationship with specific characters of either gender until it becomes romantic as well.

Arch Warhammer is the biggest, cringiest, neckbeardiest neckbeard there is. I will never stop talking shit about him in the 40k fandom because he is literally everything toxic about that fandom wrapped up in one douchey package that will in all likelihood never know a loving woman’s touch. His knowledge of lore means

Except Marvel pushed them as a superteam to replace the X-Men in the comics and tried to make a show all about them functioning as a team that sucked harder than a Hoover in a black hole. You do realize that that’s what the author is talking about, right?

Kind of funny that in 2016, people who supported for Bernie Sanders were derided as “Bernie bros” by the same sites that are now pushing him hard as a candidate when we have the most diverse and uniquely skilled Democratic primary lineup in decades.

This is an impressive feat. But I'd rather slam my toes in a car door than ever play it.

As I understand it, she has two types of fans:

I’d probably enjoy Super Mario Maker 2 a lot more if it had this feature. Maybe give people the option not to allow it on their courses (or disable it for player-made courses in general), but turn it on for the story mode courses. Some of those are like bashing your head against a wall.

I was a music major in college. Trust me, it gives new meaning to the terms “G string” and “F hole.”

I find it interesting that Japan likes Spider-Man, one of the Western heroes with the most down-to-earth concerns and worries as well as a dynamic personality and moments of vulnerability, yet in most of the Japanese fandom things I’ve seen for various games and series, the most popular characters are the blandest

Okay, but only if people stop using the phrase “Auto Chess.”

Talk is cheap. If he follows up on his words, then that’s another thing entirely.

It is damned near impossible to be a Texan Democrat and get any notable successes. But Beto has at least laid out some actual policy ideas during the campaign besides a pie-in-the-sky Supreme Court reform (enough so that Biden had to pretend he had some ideas of his own afterward).