Scuba Steeeve

I absolutely hate the state of Overwatch and uninstalled it permanentlyseveral months ago, having gone so far as changing the email tied to my Blizzard account since they wouldn’t delete the account after repeated requests. But shit like this... she’s a voice actress. No, scratch that. She is a person. Even if she had

What the ever loving fuck is with all the shitheels posting about "lulz he's not a female lesbian amputee with vitiligo ppl gonna be so triggered" like they don't get their panties in a bunch when a character isn't either white or male?

Cards are a physical object. They can increase in value for decades or longer after they stop being produced and be sold or traded. These are literally digital items that will become completely worthless once the game's servers inevitably shut down.

I was interested in trying this out until I saw that some of it requires that bullshit “throw your hat, leap to it, bounce off of it, throw it, and bounce off of it again” mechanic that made the postgame of Odyssey unbearable for me.

I really miss Commander Keen. That game deserves a genuine follow-up instead of the mockery of a Game Boy Color game that it got. Even to this day, the Goodbye Galaxy! episodes and Aliens Ate My Babysitter! play better than a lot of the 2D platformers put out today.

Not a single person is mentioning Commander Keen: The Universe Is Toast? I’m getting really too old for this shit.

Considering that probably nobody got paid at all to do this and it was a project of passion, I’m not exactly sure what you were expecting.

I went ahead and bought this game. For $12, I can’t complain.

I absolutely agree with Heather’s take on this, 100%. The animation is choppy, but the art direction is strong enough to make it work.

You’re not wrong about the lore dump about the beginning, but something tells me that there’s something very significant about the beginning that’s going to come back in a big, plot-twisty way. Besides the stuff that we already know. This show’s pretty good about leaving foreshadowing breadcrumbs for the audience,

I bailed on Dishonored within 10 minutes because I could tell the stealth was going to piss me off. Only time I ever successfully got a Steam refund.

Don’t forget his role in Enchanted, where he played a guy who loses his girlfriend.

I took advantage of this all the time. I’d roll up a female avatar in WoW, and some guy would gift me a ridiculous amount of gold. I’d funnel the gold to my main, delete the character, rinse, and repeat.

That’s funny, because libertarianism in the US sense seems to mean “I’m a Republican at heart but I also like pot.”

You should really be comparing breast cancer to prostate cancer, as it’s far closer to breast cancer in just about every statistical aspect than testicular cancer. Breast cancer is slightly more prevalent (as it can, little known fact, affect both biological genders, not just women), but one in 9 men will develop

Are you for real with this shit? Back in the Lincoln days, sure, the Republicans were mostly on the right side of history. But the Republicans of the 1960s are the exact opposite of Republicans from the 1860s, and they made that choice to win the support of white Southerners. It was Lyndon B. Johnson who bucked his

I think the game was fun, and I’m in favor of anything that pisses off alt-right snowflakes, but it just wasn’t nearly as fun as the first game. Or as charming. I felt like things really went off the rails, and not in a good way. The first game, as ridiculous as its premise was, felt somewhat grounded in reality - it

I love everything about Stubb’s. They don’t make a bad sauce, and despite their growth, they’re still a family-owned business. The owners are C.B. Stubblefield’s grandsons. They also use natural sweeteners, which is a nice added bonus (I’m not going to preach the evils of high fructose corn syrup or anything).

Don’t cut yourself on that edge there.

Having played this, I’m very optimistic for the rest of game. There are a TON of secrets to be found, and I came close to getting them all, but ultimately, some just evaded my grasp. The sprites are high resolution enough to make you almost forget you’re playing a game in the Build engine, with framerate so smooth