I don’t think anybody here is claiming that. Caesar and Alexander WERE brutal and violent, and so was Genghis Khan... because that was the sad reality of the times they lived in.
I don’t think anybody here is claiming that. Caesar and Alexander WERE brutal and violent, and so was Genghis Khan... because that was the sad reality of the times they lived in.
Some framerate and voice acting issues aside, the gist I get of Dynasty Warriors 9 from the videos is that it’s the deepest game of the series and definitely feels different than previous ones. There was a lot of muttering from some of the die-hard fans because there’s less weapon variety this time around, but from…
Amen. Give me a Battlefront-esque FPS where one faction are an Imperium faction, with Space Marines few and far between (the rest being Guardsmen/Sisters of Battle) and the other are the Chaos or Xenos eqvuialent.
I’d add Higurashi and Danganronpa to the list for sure. In fact, Higurashi, despite being a far simpler version of the VN genre, is almost certainly some sort of influence on DDLC. It’s also great for people who like the idea of horror, but don’t like seeing disturbing imagery and prefer their horror to be unsettling…
Do you actually know any artists, or are you just talking out of your ass on this one? Because I don’t know a single artist who just “does it for themselves.”
High Noon can be effectively countered by Reinhardt, Orisa, or even a well-timed Symmetra shield. It also freezes McCree into place, makes him highly vulnerable (as opposed Valkyrie, which makes Mercy almost unkillable and more dangerous), and is much shorter in duration. Its main use now is breaking up clustered…
Because it’s not just healers who suffer because of Mercy. She has the power to literally turn an entire team into nigh-invincible tanks and waste 20 seconds of the enemy team’s time. No other ult is nearly as disruptive as Mercy’s.
My solution: have the smurf accounts ascend and descend the ladder as normal, but when it comes time to rank for the Top 500, only the highest-ranked account actually ranks.
Which is funny, because I “forgot” to buy this game because of that.
The problem with Wolfenstein 2’s difficulty is that the game is at its hardest early on. This is for storyline reasons, but after getting tired of dying all the time on the medium difficulty, I cranked the game to the easier difficulties next, got to about a third in, then ended up never feeling threatened for the…
Am I the only one who thinks it’s the equivalent of his hair? I mean, look at the female equivalents of Toad. People are overlooking the most obvious answer.
I absolutely agree with the critics on this one. Genji’s ult meter should reset to 0 as soon as he pops his ult. Lucio, on the other hand, shouldn’t lose all of his until he hits the ground.
It’s entirely different in tone and narrative than the main game, and it’s entirely optional. It’s not like they added an extra mission for BJ to undertake or anything.
My job pays for health insurance. $0 a month if you don’t have a spouse on it, and I get a good silver plan. Because that insurance is available for my wife, though, she doesn’t qualify for any subsidies... even though to enroll her on it would cost more a month than most of the plans on the marketplace. The fact that…
It was a lot of fun playing through this.
I can’t help but see some Higurashi in this - a psychological horror game with an after-school club made up mostly of girls, where characters look like tropes on the surface level but end up being developed, imperfect, and complicated?
Matt Stone is Jewish, or at least was born Jewish. Jews are generally portrayed positively or neutrally in the show (there are a few exceptions, like Kyle’s cousin Kyle, but aside from him, any character faults in a Jewish character have nothing to do with their being Jewish), as are Muslims (they have a whole episode…
I really have no interest in dating simulators in general, but the more I hear about this game, the more brilliant it sounds. Being able to max out relationships and powergame your way into a hook-up ending is one of those things dating sims and other games that offer multiple romantic partners seem to take for…
I understand that there are people who don’t like ska (and to be fair, there’s a lot of it that’s bad, and some of it is front and center - like every musical genre), but I just don’t need that kind of negativity in my life.
I loved reading every word of that. Just one quibble, though: anyone who accuses you of “mansplaining” for explaining something you obviously know about is an idiot. Mansplaining is when you try to assert dominance over a conversation. You’re just doing regular ‘splaining.