
Helloooooooooooooooo, Kate Mara = Best Dressed FOREVER. I mean DAYUM! Stunning.

Uh no she doesn't. She looks her age, and stunning.

Said it before and I'll say it again, at the turn of the century 85% of American's diet was Carbs. A lot of white flour in that 85% too. The only difference between those Americans and current Americans is We Never Move during the day. Turn of the century citizens were constantly walking everywhere, moving all day

Jesus Fetus Ornament = Worm/Alien from Dreamcatcher.

Do Want. Gonna Get. *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*

I've worked in huge companies all my life except right now. I'm working in a smaller computer products company and one major downfall is being asked to do a completely different job than the one I was hired for. I'm all for being flexible but when you come in as let's say, a PM, and are asked to start being a

I spit out my made-by-someone-else sandwich. It was awesome.

Jessica Fucking Coen! <3 Oh you've been back, um, forever. Nevermind! Still <3 though.

I just took my two Boys to the vet (7 years old, mutts, adopted) and she made all the same compliments (teeth, hair, etc.) And I feed them two small cans of Friskies daily plus a quarter cup of cat show, on her recommendation. She said it really doesn't matter what you feed them unless they have medical problems.

I feel the same way about my cats. Those two boys are the light of my life and I tell them daily they must live forever. Congrats on no panic!

I just took my two Boys (indoor cats, mutts, adopted, 7 years old) to the vet last week and got the same compliments on teeth, hair, overall health, and I feed them 2 small cans of Friskies each day plus a quarter cup of cat chow. This is what my Vet recommended (dude cats need more water in their food to prevent

Don't forget to add a pinch of salt and pepper to the top of the melt before you cook it!

It's called small-minded men being threatened by something that scares/enrages them - women's equality. Misogyny runs deep in many men who don't even know what that word Means.

That man is 100% guilty of not looking Anything like his twitter pics btw.

Yep, you're right. Good eye, and also, knowledge.

So his brother Did run him over, but I wonder if he was just trying to get the cops away from him, or did Tamerlan tell his brother to kill him if he was caught. One thing I don't believe is that he was injured by shrapnel due to a suicide vest actually exploding. I've seen the morgue photo, there's no burn marks

So true, neither can your hand! My hand loves me, literally!

I tried to care about this story I really did. I got up, did some stretches, some air punches, jogged in place for 3 seconds. Still got nothin. JDGAF. And I'm fat and pale! I'm glad the women went to the press and that the press covered it, otherwise, who cares. Bigger fish out there right now.

Exactly, it's been nearly a year for me and it's likely to be a lot longer than that. I'm just not remotely interested in the non-remote possibility of being Exposed to this shit.