
The level of stupidity exhibited by these two is just amazing. How many obvious “this is a dumb idea” signals does a person need:

E-waste? Wut. They’re not out there because they missed the trashcan, they’re out there to provide a service. Like them or not, they’re not e-waste. Your loaded language garbage comment is worse than the clickbait headline, only to be followed up by completely having zero idea on what it takes to run a business.

Screw this guy. You may not like the scooters, fine. Cutting brake lines is total BS. He deserves to have the whole library thrown at him not just the book.

File under “I’m 5 and I think this is funny”

obviously not healthy then

Yep, been there.  Found nothing.

Welp, if this was somehow to go through, say goodbye to comment sections.

A gun buyback program for the U.S. would be a great idea

Oh man, the connie is a beautiful plane.

Why? I was shooting before I was able to hold one up by myself. The difference is that my father instilled in me a healthy respect for firearms. He had (and still has) many different firearms. He always told me I could shoot any one that I wanted to, but I just had to ask and we’d go to the range, no problem. We

And yet these people wonder why nobody takes them seriously.

3,000 fetuses are aborted every day, but that’s cool ‘cuz they ain’t people.

He left out the even more shocking stat that there are 3,000 abortions per day.  But hey, fetuses don’t count, so that’s cool.

Sounds like they still have about 600 people too many.

Yikes.  Good luck to anyone who goes down in that patchwork quilt.

An automatic setting.  Yes.  When you turn it on, it works automatically.  *eyeroll*

“‘home ownership’ itself quickly verging on obsolete”

Chilly summer nights?  Where is this magical place?!

Chilly summer nights?  Where is this magical place?!

Being a quadcopter pilot myself, I’m curious as to how they’re going to get 110 miles of range out of that thing.  I don’t see any significant solar panels, and quads consume a LOT of power.  I need some batteries like that!!!