The cop is running from him.
The cop is running from him.
Tackle and cuff him? But he’s white!
The cop at the beginning of the video was running away from the naked guy like he was scared for his life.
That dude killed two women and a child and spent an hour running around naked, trying to tackle and wrestle police officers, who absolutely refused to use their service weapons against him, and if watching that video doesn’t tell you 100% the difference between how the police treat black people and white people,…
Or you could keep it in your wallet like a normal human being.
Jesus Christ.
Look, she definitely tossed that cat a bit rougher than I would have but if you’ve ever owned a cat, you know it was just fine.
Arctic is burning. Amazon is being cut down at an incredible rate. Hurricanes are dropping more water as the climate changes. Unplanned Medical services can financial cripple a large chunk of Americans. Wages haven’t gone up in years. And I got an headache.
Hey, they saved her from a fate worse than death!
So here’s a fun lesson in US Congressional History that this brings to mind - the “Gag Rule.”
If I’m reading that correctly, it looks as though many of those rules were added in 2016 and 2017. Why would a Republican controlled House add such rules limiting themselves like that?
It’s like Dr. King always said, “No one knows what qualifies as racist as well as elite white conservatives who don’t know a single person of color.”
I mean, I got a mole tested-just tested-and the bill came to something stupid like $7,000 for the punch test.
Damn. That could’ve been me.
Or having health insurance and being told it’s cosmetic so you have to pay out of pocket. And then being quoted an astronomical (for a poor person) amount of money for said cosmetic procedure.
Yay American healthcare! The only way to have your embarrassing medical maladies covered by someone is to share your story with the world.
I’m pretty sure everyone in this episode mentioned going to their doctors and being told there was nothing that could be done for them.
Probably. I suffer keloids myself and I live in a 3rd world country with access to free healthcare, and get them treated at a specialist for free. It’s something I’ll never take for granted.
[Comment Redacted] Edit: I just saw this if from 2016. Thanks “related stories” side panel.