Scott Vandiver

“... and when I hung up the phone it occurred to me, my boy was just like me yeah, my boy was just like me...

It’s like that song lyric.

Ah man I cant believe I missed the window to submit. Honestly I look forward to this every year. Might as well write mine here in case anyone wants additional reading.

Seriously, hardcore raiding was a commitment beyond joining a street gang. I wouldn’t wish it upon anybody, because DKP is one hell of a drug. Inter-guild drama and fights were the worst, and guild officers abused their power too.

you ever think it may be your friends and their hardware when you party up? also, do you have multiple xbox’s? We have 3 in our home and had to get nice high end router that supported multiple boxes (never had an issue with 2, but when the 3rd one came online we kept having disconnect issues).

Speaking of adult themes, I’m glad that Ciri never gets naked in Wild Hunt. Even though she’s her own woman in this game, I like that the devs felt that the father/daughter bond was the driving force for the game and not getting as many female characters as naked as possible.

Right, and the chances that you grew up in Western civilization (and are now employed in journalism, no less) but managed to remain completely ignorant of major works within popular culture, are approximately the same as the odds of surviving a direct assault on an Imperial Star Destroyer.

Pfffft. The Stick of Truth looked exactly like an episode of South Park without any fancy shader manipulation.

That’s the great thing about them, there’s no pressure to buy if you don’t want to! That said, I will happily purchase silver simply to support the ongoing content in-between the yearly releases. Players like me can cover for palyers like you, which is great! :)

Just completely gloss over the fact that Bungie has said that they werent going to be offering DLCs anymore, just free content updates largely bankrolled by the emote shop? Or would that undermine your halfass flame baiting too much?

Are you a bot?

Massively Multiplayer. Has nothing to do with the size of the world itself. It has to do with the community.

I mean that’s why you don’t take them head on. If you see a Titan pop their super run. Not that hard. I’m a warlock main and it took me dying about 75 times before I finally decided it wasn’t worth it anymore. You should be afraid of the super and it shouldn’t be easy to defeat.

That’s unfortunate. A neat idea saddled with a relatively basic “flag holder” multiplayer. On the upside, now we can see what’s it like to be a Weeping Angel?

I was laughing too, but I don’t feel bad about it. It’s just that it’s too over the top to not be seen as comedic on some level by some people.

I don’t know what it says about me that not only did I watch it in one sitting but that I was also laughing all the way through.

If you think that game sites should publish stories based on what developers want them to publish, I recommend you visit one of the many sites that does just that. On the other hand, if you want an independent games press that covers stories we think are interesting and/or important — even if developers and publishers

You're making an awful lot of assumptions about me. Guess what? We agree that sexually liberated women tend to know more about *their* bodies, but you both missed and kinda proved my point. Thats ALL we talk about. Good sex essentially means good sex for women, which is why when an article pops up giving advice to

Why are you being such a shit head? These are halfway decent tips. Christ, no wonder they say feminists are a shitty lay, you think you're above critique.