Scott Vandiver

I saw this show Sunday night, and it was everything I could have wanted.  The recreation of Arnold's was spectacular.  

So, let me get this straight. This book has been in the public eye for over 30 years now, and just NOW does everyone (Read: Gawker) have a problem with this scene?

None of you gave a shit until a movie based on the book that doesn’t even include the damned scene showed up.

Arab Strap? Really? Damn, I’m glad I’m not the only person who knows great music.

I just came here to say I approve of your name.

I’m certain that has something to do with it. The ergonomics behind the offset sticks on the Xbox controllers, is that the left analog stick, and the face buttons are the most commonly used. Therefore, they want your thumbs to be at basically the same angle for using those particular functions. The D-Pad, and the

This actually occurred to me about two weeks ago. I opened up my XBone game to the public, and was running a T3 Rift. I’m a fairly casual player, only two 70’s, I like taking my time and grabbing gear. I was at Paragon 133. Some asshole Barbarian joined, and I jumped up to 1299 in the next few minutes. At first, I was

I disagree. I’m a firm believer in personal accountability. I’m a former drug addict. I COULD chase after the Doctor that kept me flush with morphine and methadone, and I would probably win - but no one forced me to go. It was my own choice.

I’m a bartender. It definitely should NOT be my responsibility — but unfortunately, legally it IS. I have to cover my ass, because of some douchebag gets drunk on my watch, and kills a small kid in a crosswalk, then drives into a telephone pole and kills himself, then after the insurance company has exhausted it’s

I’m late to this party, but I always have to weigh in when I see comments like this. I’ve been playing for 27 years now. In my experience, it’s only elitist assholes, whose estimation of their talent far outweighs their actual ability, who say things like this.

Or, to put it in a way you may understand — keep playing

It’s just bi-curious.

I am in the service industry. A bartender to be precise. Every single woman I’ve been involved with who is not in the industry has cheated on me. They see my non-traditional hours as a sign of emotional neglect. Compound that with the fact that I am a very trusting person, and it’s a recipe for a giant surprise slice

On one hand, I love porn. I don't watch it voraciously, but it's fun on occasion. It has colored my sexual desires somewhat as well — but my desires are never "requirements" in that regard. One of the things I've felt is damaging in my own personal experience, is the woman I am with thinking she has to act like a

That's not accurate, or if he did actually do so, his vow didn't last long.

People seem to to forget that Jasmine had the biggest set of tits I've seen in animation outside of Japan, Heavy Metal, or Fire and Ice.

yeah, that's kinda what I was getting at =P

I have to say, that I've been trying to figure out how Tommy Merlyn would evolve into the Merlyn from the comics (if at all,) since he seems like a fairly decent individual. Barrowman being his father, just kinda solved that issue for me. I'm liking it so far.

I can say from personal experience, that I can exert a small measure of control over my testicles, in where they "ride". Also, they will 'pop' back inside, if I'm wearing jeans that are slightly too tight, or if I'm just in the mood for a fun party trick. Having no scientific training at all, I only assumed this was

Actually, it is the place that did it, but it's basically the same thing as motion sickness. Your inner ear is telling you one thing, and your eyes are telling you another. That disparity is what causes the nausea associated associated with motion sickness, and with the "Mystery Spot Houses".

Sadly, Arrow isn't a spinoff of Smallville. It exists in a different continuity.

Tommy, Vagina Face. Funny.