Scorpio GTX1

I mean come on, we're living in 2012 here. Give me a reason to upgrade from my 5th gen nano. Give me something I don't already have. 16GB was fine back in the day when I was a kid and actually paid for music, but then I discovered this thing called thepiratebay and now my music collection demands a larger storage

Well fuck me in the face, is there not a market for high-capacity music players anymore?

MOTHERFUCKERS MAKE A GODDAMNED 64GB NANO! It does not take up any more space, and costs Apple almost nothing more to make. I do not need apps and other stupid shit on a much larger and much more pointless iPod Touch.

Now playing

In some countries they strap a gibbon to the hood and give him a poke when they need a siren.

Wow, well look who the douche is now. Hint: It's me!

I'm not a huge fan of Farah. I'm sure he's a nice person and all, but he kind of comes off douchey acting unimpressed by everything and talking all matter-of-factly. And when he does act excited, it's just that—acting. I never get the feeling that he's being honest and genuine with us.

The whole "X has lost it's way" thing has gotten old. Name one car company that still produces cars exactly like they used to 30+ years ago.

I'd be curious to see the alternative QOTD: Ten reasons why you should drive an automatic anyway.

The DE/B3 platform is the only similarity. Engine, transmission, and everything else are totally different.

I wonder when these will hit the dealerships, I'm buying a car within a month and so far I've been leaning towards the Mazda 2 because the current Fiesta is kind of fugly. If Ford could lighten it a little (the less powerful Mazda still performs better in every way), combined with these new looks, they could be

I still don't get the point of people covering up their license plates. A thousand people see my plate every day, what's the big issue if a few more see it online?

It's a good thing the police scooped them up before they could split.

You can sherbet they're in trouble for this one.

Looks like he's in his teens, wearing a baseball cap backwards... yup, typical douchecanoe.

Good idea. I don't have the time to spend hours a day sifting through build threads myself, it would be nice to have weekly article pointing out the worthwhile ones.

Well normally I get to play (using the term loosely here) with rats, which is sort of fun but probably not as fun working for Jalopnik, but right now I'm just writing an abstract.

I don't have any questions, just wanted to say hey. I'm working and it sucks.

My dad used to have a second gen GL and it was a monstrosity. It was one giant repair bill cleverly disguised as a rusty turd. It still had a certain charm about it, however. As a kid I found it fun repeatedly putting the doors back together, as parts would fall out every time you'd open them.

Smooth laps are fast laps, but smooth laps are boring to watch. He's just taking the Top Gear approach to things. The laps TG shows the Stig doing are downright awful, filled with understeer, wild oversteer, and driving off-track. Any race car driver would be embarrassed to pull a lap like that if they were trying.

I remember reading an article in some magazine about some guy who restored his 250 GTO. He said he wouldn't say how much the restoration cost, since it would be impolite. Dude, you have a car that is worth $20 million and everyone knows it, no price tag for that restoration is going to surprise us because we already