Just bring the guns and rifles to paintball and kill two birds with one stone.
Just bring the guns and rifles to paintball and kill two birds with one stone.
This commenting system fucking sucks.
Keeps on driving like a boss.
They said that a car with no stereo but a great exhaust note can theoretically get a 10/10 for audio.
If you are carrying a weapon on you during an assault, a simple fistfight is automatically upgraded to assault with a deadly weapon.
Well surprise surprise motherfucker, you're on the #1 gayest website on earth. We love Miatas, Subaru Outbacks, and handling sticks, so I guess we're gaying this shit all up bro. Get used to it.
Not just you. I'm kind of getting tired of a lack of experimentation. The One-77 is really the only thing that hasn't looked like a DB9 as of late.
The difference is that the 911 is one model. Every single car that Porsche makes does not look the same, nor should it.
It looks gorgeous, but that's because it looks like every other Aston Martin made in the past decade, which are all gorgeous. Aston Martin, I love you and all, but please have some fucking creativity. All you're doing is pumping out slight variations of the same basic DB9 design.
The tail lights had me questioning it for a while too. But I was thinking the same thing, they probably only light up under braking. And I doubt this hit and run driver was braking, so that might explain things.
Why the fuck does it matter to you how many versions they have of the Mustang when you obviously aren't going to buy one anyway? How on earth does this affect you?
Sounds like someone's a little butthurt that the GT can spank an M3.
I thought about that too, but I think it's a result of crappy resolution.
Yeah, that's a good point . Also the lower quarter of the car that is angled inwards is dark because the street lights aren't reflecting off of it. That's why it looks two-toned.
:( I actually like the gold wheels. I find it complements the red well.