Scorpio GTX1

Thou shall hoon.

I left-foot-brake. Chance of stomping on the wrong pedal = 0%.

It's amazing how much locking up the brakes can help in deep snow, too. ABS is 100% useless on snow and gravel.

I don't mind dumb drivers getting safety aids like this implemented on their cars. Yes, people should be smart enough to know to just turn off their cars, but many aren't, unfortunately. What scares me is what all these safety regulations mean for us competent drivers.

Yeah, you just earned yourself a heart-click there, buddy.

So is this the end of auto transmission preloading? Because really, that's pretty much the only good thing about them.

The only thing I don't like about it is that it's FWD. WTF.

"There is more than one "flu". The flu vaccination covers just the 2 or 3 main variants that are predicted to sweep through the population."

Wow, only 35mm. The first watch in like 10 years to not be the size of a fucking cd.

Interesting, I just wasn't sure if there was a market for it. Personally it wouldn't be very useful to me, but I see now how it can be helpful for others.

There's a very good reason for it. Removing the antiquated superdrive allows the device to be more slim, while keeping the powerful internals that the Air does not have. They'll also likely replace the HDD with an SSD, giving a noticeable boost to performance. If you want a DVD drive, you can buy an external portable

Um, you're fucking crazy. There has never been conclusive proof that flu vaccinations really help. People with flu vaccinations still get the flu. People who don't get flu vaccinations sometimes don't get the flu. I have never gotten one because I see it as completely unnecessary, and I don't get sick any more than my

Just curious, but what's the point of a 17" laptop? Why not just have a small 13-incher for portability (or an Air) and a Mac Mini at home? It would end up costing about the same.

It's almost a certainty. Nobody uses optical drives anymore when they're not outside of the house.

Your sense of humor is crude.

You'd be surprised what people do. I'm confident that everything they show is 100% real.

The only reason why I ever buy more Eneloops is because I don't have enough of them!

This. Eneloops have made regular batteries almost entirely obsolete. I use them for everything, from my Xbox 360 controllers, to my 4Sevens Flashlight, to my digital camera.

If the Trayvon case has taught me anything, it's that the media doesn't give a shit about murders unless they're interracial. Two white guys killing each other? Not a headline. Two black guys killing each other? Definitely not a headline. A white guy kills a black guy (or vice versa)? Now THIS is news!