Scorpio GTX1

Seriously guys, why are there not more Forza 4 photos am I going to have to do this myself? Fine. BRB.

I can love people in real life without going to jail for it. I can't kill people in real life without going to jail for it. As I see it, the point of video games is to do something you can't in real life, otherwise you might as well actually do it for real.

I pushed a Hummer out of the snow last winter while my Corolla glided through fine. I laughed at his sorry ass.

I think this is great. If people know that this could happen to them if they drink and drive (and street race), perhaps they will think twice before they do it. And if they don't... well they deserve what's coming to them.


Ultra fail.

Like a boss.


Great if you like killing pedestrians and other drivers.

Now playing

Once you get past the shitty music, there's some nice Koenigsegg action.

I'm guessing Forza Horizon will be like a cross between Need for Speed's interesting environments, and Forza Motorsport's physics.

I'm not entirely sure you have grasped the concept that whether or not a car is beautiful has a lot to do with personal opinion. Unless you give 1,000 Jalops a PET scan while showing them pictures of cars and watching how big of a happy dance their brain does while looking at them, you won't be able to objectively

A "kg" is a killagoat. It's the weight of a thousand goats. Pigmy goats, though, so it's actually not as much as you would think. "cm" is a "canukmeter" and was arbitrarily chosen.

Fair enough, but I took issue with the guy thinking he could do it in ten years. When science is really just beginning to shed light on how our brain works, it is unreasonable to think we could know everything about it within 10 years time. It's kind of like saying you're going to build a computer that simulates the

"People once said X was impossible, so Y therefore must be possible" is terrible logic. People once said that flying was impossible, so then I suppose we should assume it's possible that tomorrow I will be riding a velociraptor to work, correct?

For some reason the link didn't work.

The problem is that the brain isn't a computer. It's a brain. And even a rat's brain is thousands of times more complicated than our most advanced supercomputer. The brain does things that computers simply cannot right now, and likely never will. It's not that our technology isn't advanced enough, it's that we're

This idea is ridiculous and likely impossible. We haven't even come close to fully understanding the human brain right now, and we probably never will. It's been said that if the human brain were simple enough to be fully understood, we would no longer have the faculties to understand it. If this technology is ever

Ha, sour patch kids are a joke. A few of these will burn the top layer of skin off your tongue.