
Always appreciate a good venison recipe! I agree that you can’t just treat it like beef, but I find it odd that people assume that you could/should. With lamb or goat we wouldn’t treat it the same as beef and we wouldn’t expect it to have the same flavor. Venison and other wild game deserve the same level of

I like that Wedge Antilles was in the new Star Wars movie.

I used to live next to a field like that. My dad was chasing cellists out of it on a weekly basis. Nothing worse than trying to have a nice conversation with your family and hear an AMC pull into the field. You just knew that it was a matter of minutes before all you could hear was screeching cellos.

I’ll thank you not to refer to the staff members at Fashion Bug that way!

I can only assume you store them next to the severed heads of your victims as this is clearly serial killer behavior.

Or when there is sausage in the dressing. What the actual fudge are people doing putting sausage in there???

But one wife *bought* crackers, while the other made them from scratch.

Brown with gold pearl.

CAIN WAS ABLE! (now...not so much)

Just go by calendar year and claim that the Eagles-Patriots 41-33 Super Bowl was the Super Bowl for 2018.

First thing to understand is that Trump is here to sabotage, not protect, America. Everything he does is directed by Putin to:

I had this same perspective years ago. Lighting the charcoal, waiting for it to ash over, scouring the grill, all of that just to grill something for ten minutes and then seal it all up? Fuck that, I can cook those burgers on a cast iron skillet indoors faster.

I used to host bar trivia in Chesapeake and Sweet Pea was a regular. He brightened the room anytime he was there, and didn’t care when somebody didn’t know who he was. But everyone knew who he was, because he was just that kinda dude. He’d just show you his championship ring, let you try it on, and be your buddy. He’

Glad to. This is a list of the regions of the United States of America. Hope this helps.

We had a two piece phone when I was a boy. Which sat on a little table in the foyer by the front door. And next to it was always a pad of paper and a pencil, in case Mr. Roosevelt called to say that we were at war with Germany.

Everyone likes boobs, idiot

Oh this is easy! The mayor of Milwaukee is trying to ram through an expansion of the downtown street car line so is gets finished by the time the DNC is here. So not only is the current system, that just opened, not making any money, a casino a paying for free rides for the first year. But the rest of the

Key lime is my faaaaaaaaav.

I wear a blazer or a sportcoat for all of those things. And you look good!

This will never be seen because I’m in the grays, but the problem with articles like this is everyone that responds confuses the idea between the concept of a go bag (like you talk about) and preparing for full-on SHTF mode. I kind of blame it on our current mania for apocalyptic media and survivalists. Combine that