
Actually it's because these rune circles are from the Safe & Non-Sorcerous rune list. The proper use of SANS runes is very important: we work to keep them in circulation (pun fully intended) because using a non-sanctioned rune can end up summoning one of Those which Must Not Be by mistake. We mostly hand them out to

"When the bubble bursts, the resulting shock wave can scare metal."

House = Homes

gotta be the cumberbatch sherlock...he's so smart it pisses off everyone around him, so much so that it got him thrown into a holding cell! (of course I'm not yet 30 [see: ignoramus] and that very well could have happened on countless occasions with any number of previous incarnations of the character...but with the

This may be too obvious, but he's the last person I'd want on my tail.

Now playing

Patton Oswalt Star Wars filibuster. Your argument is invalid.

My top 10 for the year

Not really.

The entire principle of Iron Man is that is suits can beat what ever enemy his coming at him, Extremis proved that ALL of his suits were outdated. It made perfect sense for him to destroy them and start over. He said at the end that he was Iron Man, he just needs new suits. I am honestly baffled that so many people

Jeez that scared the crap out of me. I thought the CN Tower had actually fallen, and I had just missed it on the news.

I don't know about power being Thrawny's motivation. I always read him and Pellaeon as Holmes and Watson in space with laser guns, so to me he seemed more motivated by a desire for order. In the original trilogy (er, unintentional) he seems to regard the Rebellion as disorder to be eliminated.

Grand Admiral Thrawn.

I have a horrible confession to make: I only finally watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog this year. That said, he's easily become my favourite evil genius ever!

Too obvious?

The Doge is not amused.

A very interesting analysis of Superman III, but all I'm ever going to remember is being absolutely terrified of this:

This looks fantastic. And not that Cruise needs my sympathy, but it will sure be nice 40 years in the future, when people finally stop bitching about him, and realize he was consistently good in a huge number of very good films.

Hey, at least he'll be running in this one!

Hmm . . . between Hitler and Stalin they ground up maybe fifty million people, not including ones killed in concentration camps and gulags.

And you get choked up over dogs.

Priorities: look into them.