i liked cloverfield. there was questionable acting but for the most part it was enjoyable.
i liked cloverfield. there was questionable acting but for the most part it was enjoyable.
I would suggest playing 1999 mode. I had a similar outlook on the combat before I played 1999 mode, and I have to tell you that I have a huge appreciation for the combat now that I've beat it.
I think these are mostly just the gamers that you see the most of, because they're the ones who take to the message boards to complain. Content gamers are quiet.
My question is, are gamer's ever satisfied? We all seem to be picky and complain about everything.
Well, that means that you don't really enjoy any form of entertainment then?
If I leave some cash on the bar and walk away, no one has the right to take it. Taking it is stealing, and not okay. It is wrong and a horrid thing to do. It is also a pretty predictable result. Leave money unattended in public, and a good chance it will vanish. If you don't want it to vanish, don't leave it…
I agree with you. The world is not ideal and you need to take steps to protect yourself. It's not meant to be a malicious message. Not to mention discrimination/favoritism and treatment differs by gender, race, age, etc. It's not fair, it's not right, but it's just reality. It has nothing to do with victim blaming, I…
You shouldn't have to. And we shouldn't have to need police and courts and armies. Currently, however, people can be dicks. I think it's a good idea to take anti-dick measures.
I feel as though as long as it's relevant to the topic at hand then there shouldn't be the question of "why did you tell them that?". I'm a woman. I have two kids. I play vidya gamez. However, I also comment on a website that is available to lots and lots of people, each with their own opinions, feelings, and…
"Focusing on how someone can avoid being victimized" doesn't necessarily entail shifting 100% of the blame onto the victim. It's entirely possible to admit that the culprit did something horrible, while also admitting that the victim left themselves open to that abuse.
You're right, this is perfectly reasonable advice. Unfortunately, she will also be accused of victim blaming by the same sorts of shrill voices who accuse anyone of victim blaming when they have the temerity to say "Hey, not saying what happened to these guys was right... but here are some steps they could have taken…
I don't think you know what the words "mary-sue" mean considering they were the primary villains of the last expansion.
I absolutely hate the word entitled in almost all context, but I think its justified in this case.
To be fair, this is a group of a couple thousands "kids" doing all this, in a game that is played by over 6.5 million active players. This is just statistically bound to happen when you have that many users of whom many are immature teens.
Okay, listen, someone has to say this because someone needs to be brutally honest about this subject...