
That's what you get when you steal my parking spot on Black Friday - you get fork-stabbed!

I second PandoraBoxx, and I hope you don't ever feel guilty about going out that night. Being a full time caregiver is HARD and you deserved the break

...does anyone know where i can get an adult sized onesie with a buttflap?

Northern Illinois appropriate loungewear = black leggings, thermal LS shirt, XL sweatshirt, Smartwool socks, slippers with an outdoor sole.

They ditched the original title - "How to burn money and look frumpy"

I just laughed so hard/loud that I woke up Catbus Boy!

The piss conundrum is precisely the reason why I've never even considered owning a jumpsuit. Pissing in strange (i.e. not my own) bathrooms is already bad enough without having to do it stark naked. Fuck that shit, onesies are for babies and astronauts.

Seriously, I have no clue how women are able to go about day-to-day business with all of the things that happen in their bodies. Hell, I call it a crappy day and start whining if I have a head cold.

"It looks like something my Aunt Malka wore to a bar-mitvah on the USS Enterprise."

73% are settling?

I like the comparison of Detroit to Chicago. "Well they're both violent and have debt problems!"

Well, Fox, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.

My point is that immediately saying "liberal white people, you are all awful" doesn't lead to a productive conversation. I'm not going to look at that and be like, "Oh yeah totally we ARE the fucking worst, let's chat about that." When someone starts out looking for a confrontation, they don't want to talk about it.

Ok, but on the plus side people really enjoyed my response to her.

I'm sorry, I thought I was at Jezebel, where Worst Human Being Alive is more likely to be applied to an actual monster of a human being, say Ariel Castro. Instead, I see we are supposed to revile a woman for acknowledging and taking pleasure in her financial successes after many years in her industry. It's like

Dude, that Blackhawks rally Friday was the broiest thing in existence.

"I'm dreadfully sorry - here's the rest of your gift."

Ok, seriously, I have to ask: since WHEN are wedding guests expected to pay for the couple's reception???

I'm actually impressed this woman managed to turn on her computer and spell Facebook correctly.

I don't think you should count Chicago. We keep our bros in a very concentrated area if you think about how big Chicago is.