I don't think it's bad. I'm extremely introverted, and at least for me, while I do love being social and having friends it can be exhausting sometimes. Maybe it's a product of being an only child.
I don't think it's bad. I'm extremely introverted, and at least for me, while I do love being social and having friends it can be exhausting sometimes. Maybe it's a product of being an only child.
Hell yeah for Episodes! I love that show. Also, why the Sherlock snub?
OMG I feel ragey just reading this. I hate public transportation with the burning intensity of a thousand suns. And the next time some douche tries to shove me out of the way to get a seat on the train, he's getting kicked in the balls.
I feel like all the secrecy is a bit silly, especially since it sounds like Harrison is an original character. Which is cool too - but I don't see why the secrecy about that is needed UNLESS there's some sort of huge reveal as to who the character really is. Which I suspect is what's going to happen. Hell, I'm a…
Yes, this. I mean slow walkers occasionally enrage me, but what makes me angrier is people who will actually be dickish (saying something, giving dirty looks) to people who are slow. If someone is in my way, I may think awful things to myself, but I keep my mouth shut, get the fuck out of the way and get on with my…
Agreed. One of my favorites.
Yes! Having someone say those things to me would pretty much make me want to crawl into a hole and die.
Definitely going to check out "Imzadi". The rest of these sound great too! Thanks for the heads-up.
I read that title as "emasculating boner" at first and was really confused.
Pretty sure everyone loves Martin. He's too adorable.
"It means tapping into that part of yourself that's genuinely vulnerable and really does need a man – even though the culture says you don't."
Charlie is fricking adorable. Love him.
THANK GOD Oswin and Clara aren't related. That would've sucked.
The point....you've missed it.
I just started watching TNG for the first time (well, other than the bits that I caught on TV once in a while as a kid) and I have to say I love the description of Riker as "lovably creepy uncle". That's kind of perfect.
"Performance art", you say? Suuuure it is.....
You will be missed! :( But best of luck in your new endeavor!
Agreed on both counts. I'm a total archaeology nerd so I never get tired of either one.