Fucking hell. I hate Microsoft Word so much. It just completely froze on me and I thought I lost practically all of what I was just working on (thankfully, I didn't). Thanks for nearly giving me a heart attack, you piece of crap software.
Fucking hell. I hate Microsoft Word so much. It just completely froze on me and I thought I lost practically all of what I was just working on (thankfully, I didn't). Thanks for nearly giving me a heart attack, you piece of crap software.
Um, I'm 30 and I still don't really know what I'm doing with my life. The point is, there's no certain age where you have to "figure it all out". You have plenty of time.
Uuuugh. I'm on page 30 of this massive 35-ish page document for work and I cannot bring myself to finish the damn thing. All I feel like doing is reading Jez or watching Doctor Who.
I feel like I failed as a productive adult today. I woke up with what was either the stomach flu or a hangover, even though I drank no more wine than I usually do. If it was a hangover, I am seriously considering never drinking again.
I just read through a bunch of pages on there...dear God. I'm convinced we're all being trolled. There's no way in hell she can be serious with that horrible writing.
This. The fact that that tripe is so popular (and taking attention away from actual talented writers whose work needs/deserves that kind of attention) offends me on a visceral level.
Oh you're in for a treat then. I applaud anyone who had the mental fortitude to not download/pirate the second season until now - you're a better woman than I.
Wine, wine wine. I love wine. Down it goes, down into my belly...
What...I don't even... *head explodes*
Hearted. Beautifully said.
I agree with you. He's incredibly talented, and it makes me sad that THIS is the thing people are focusing on rather than how good his performance is going to be.
First of all, I have a terrible feeling we're all being trolled a la Gatiss and Moffat.
Hearted. That would be kind of hilarious. Awful, but hilarious.
I freaking love my first name (after my great-grandma, with a slight spelling variation) so major points to my mom for that one.
Um, Zebulon is a fucking awesome name.
Um, I just now saw this tweet from Leonard Nimoy: [tinyurl.com] I get the feeling we should probably take these rumors with a grain of salt for now.
Thanks! I'm glad I asked; I wouldn't have even known where to begin!