
I actually didn't know this and was wondering if it was better to get one at a time, so thank you for telling me! I really want to put in the time to tame them, since I had one years ago and probably didn't make enough of an effort since he didn't really bond with me. Now just to choose which color budgie to get

Heaven help any man who is unkind to my dog (or the parakeets I'm getting soon). Meanness to an animal will lead to your ass out on the street.

Rihanna, girl, what is the matter with you?

You're right - I realized much, much later that I totally missed the reference. And Blink is one of my favorite episodes. I'm an idiot.

Eeeeeee! LOVE THIS. I am so sending this to my other Whovian friends!

Ooh, fun! I'm totally up for a meetup!

I have and I love it! I've been recommending it to everyone i know.

This. I'd be a little weirded out to have that discussion with anyone. Even a boyfriend/husband. It's kind of the most personal thing there is. No one else needs to know about it.

No, I understand the article...I was just trying (and failing, apparently) to be clever. The idea of "now" is just our perception. Everything's relative, and just because we can't see something doesn't mean it doesn't (or didn't) exist.

Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey....

I know, right?! Beard...eyebrow..... *sigh*

"Alright, yes it's a jammy dodger. But I was promised tea!"

ME TOO. I have the biggest crush on that adorable Scottish goofball. Hot+funny = win.

He is the best awkward dancer ever. So much cuteness.

Beautifully said, Margaret.

Glasses. Are. Cool.

I agree with you. And very well-said, by the way.

I'll never forget my awesome grad school immunology professor's description of killer T cells, with exclamations of "and then it KILLS IT!" complete with laser pointer-aided pantomimes of it poking holes in the other cell's membrane.

It's worth it for sure (if for nothing else than John Noble, who is awesome). I missed a few eps and stopped watching a season and a half ago, but after seeing these spoilers I want to catch up again.