But we’re proud of you
But we’re proud of you
Thanks for this.
I probably couldn’t chew gum wearing heels, so.
Once is okay. Just don’t make a habit of it.
If no one dresses as the Flying Spaghetti Monster than it’s not worth going to. Also, Apple just auto-capitalized Flying Spaghetti Monster so you know it’s a legit religion. I’d also be on the lookout for someone dressed as Anubis.
Don’t worry, they’ll all just wear naked dresses with strategically applied sequins and beading. Which, actually, kinda subversively works with the theme?
But in the south, where kids are taught in school that labor unions are evil, the unions are at the very bottom of a very large hill. I had K-12 teachers that would rail against unions every chance they had, but were a part of the teachers union and relied on that union’s protection. I was indoctrinated to hate the…
As I’ve said many times before, I’m from the south, and have never lived anywhere else. As a southern liberal, I’m part of a tiny minority, and I long ago gave up hope that the region would be joining the rest of the world any fucking time soon. Because this place is populated by people who believe the hype. They…
Jerry, the folks in the South are suspicious *of education, change, anything different.
The opposite, water keeps it stable, it burns when exposed to air. Lady pulls pretty rock out of water, pretty rock turns out to be Willie Pete, WP does its thing once it dried out. Pretty nasty stuff, still in use by the US because we suck
Cambodian mines left over from the genocide is still alive even now, kids, dogs, people still are being killed because of things that happened over almost 50 years ago.
Hey, PSA: do not do a Google Image Search on white phosphorus. You will not see pictures of anything remotely resembling a pretty chunk of amber, and what you will see will make you cry.
These stories are horrifying but also drive home just how much modern war isn’t just a few years of fighting and then peace; it’s rebuilding shattered and destroyed cities and landscapes and dealing with decades and likely centuries of environmental effects and dangers.
phosphorus left over from the Second World War
Fascinating! I never thought of unexploded ordinances being a threat on German riverwalks