Of course, I just mean that anyone in the US who let their 7 year old walk 2 blocks would be arrested. So while this is abusive in Japanese standards, it doesn’t rise to the level of “burn the witch” outrage it would in the U.S.
Of course, I just mean that anyone in the US who let their 7 year old walk 2 blocks would be arrested. So while this is abusive in Japanese standards, it doesn’t rise to the level of “burn the witch” outrage it would in the U.S.
I remember in middle school I made a shit ton of paper ninja stars. I walked home everyday and still had my stars. You guessed it, I flung them at passing cars. I flung one at a black SUV and I hear a loud screeching. I look back and see the SUV do a u-turn and speed up. I fucking booked it. Of course the SUV caught…
Exactly! A sales director at my work refers to his Tesla as “his baby,” yet no one jumps on him and reminds him that he didn’t create the Tesla or push it out of his body or whatever.
I’m sure it’s fine with these same people if someone refers to a significant other as “baby” or “my baby”, too. At least you can make a SACRED HUMAN BABY with that person, I guess.
I once made the mistake of referring to my dog as my baby (as in, “here’s an old picture of my baby Ruby when she was just a puppy....”) and people JUMPED ON MY ASS about it. Yes, I know my dog isn’t a literal baby. The razor teeth and roundworms were kind of a giveaway.
I’m not a parent, but damn I had no idea “cry it out” was so controversial! My sister does it with her kids, and that’s always what people told me when I was a babysitter back in the day! The more you know, I guess.
I will never, ever, ever judge any arrangement that allows moms to sleep through the night. I was so hard on myself (while battling postpartum, no less) when I decided to let my daughter sleep in my bed at 6 weeks old, and it was the smartest thing I could do for my depressed, sleep-deprived self. (I rarely move in my…
Glad that it works for you! I can barely sleep with a tiny dog in the bed. Pretty sure I’d kill myself before trying to sleep with my child.
Meh, I think seperate bedrooms can prolong a marriage. Not everyone is wired to sleep all wrapped up with someone else. Ignore their shit if it worls for you.
What kind of impact has this arrangement had on your marriage? Not judging - I'm a social worker and I realize there are a TON of perfectly good ways to raise a kid. I'm just genuinely curious.
I used to have a job that included not allowing people to beat the shit out of each other. There were times when we broke it up a little more slowly than others. This would be one of those times.
“Because he is all parents”
Was he arrested? If so I hope he won’t serve any time because he is all parents.
I started riding lessons on a Shetland at 5. He bucked me right over his head and I landed on my head/neck, which has resulted in a lifetime of arthritis (at 26 a radiologist told me my cervical MRI looked like a woman in her 70's), but my teacher made me get back on & finish the lesson. I was learning to canter &…
This horse is named Dragonfire...the most Game of Thrones name for a horse ever.
Would it be appropriate to take this photo to my hair stylist?