I adore the ending to your whole story. The cheers for solidarity and unexpected first girl crushes.
I adore the ending to your whole story. The cheers for solidarity and unexpected first girl crushes.
Oh heavens. I feel you on the Jesus-crazy teenage boyfriends who keep a lid on the crazy at first.
"Life isn't perfect now but we're aware of this shit at least. "
My wifi is named THE_GRID. So to say "OH MY GRID" would be like praying to the internet... which is absolutely appropriate.
We post for the same reason people put messages in a bottle out to sea: the realization of the fundamental loneliness of mortal consciousnes and the consequent desire to affirm our own existence through conversation with thhr other.
I actually found this very interesting because my sister had an organ transplant in her early twenties and she never became a mother precisely because of the immune suppressants she was taking. (though on the plus side she just reached 15 years post-transplant so HURRAH! for medical science).
Human immune systems are…
This is how:
Damn. Brutal assessment but spot on.
I've always been very curious about what it is actually like to work within the ANZSCO system. To an American like myself, the idea of having standardized classes for laborers is alien but interesting. I get that it is the norm for you, but how do you feel about it?
For what it is worth - my spouse and I dream of…
Wow. I understand the small part of you that wanted to see that inevitable shitshow go down. Yet as someone who has been the mountaintop of that particular path I can testify that you probably dodged a (rubber chicken) bullet there.
The only way that invite could have have been weirder is if it was an Juggalo potluck…
Ha! Thanks for honing in on the one detail that haunts me the most from this memory. The chest tattoo was the thing that catapulted that moment from the heights of weird out into the furthest stratosphere of crazy.
I didn't include before because it was already TL;DR but truth is that there were multiple clown tattoos:…
Oh hell yes, I'm honored. I look forward to your covers of their greatest hits:
Wishing I Had a Photograph of You (AND YOUR CLOWN TATTOO)
The More You Live, The More You Love (BOZO!)
Thank you. That final detail is why I have only ever shared this story with my one best friend... and now the internet. (Though to be honest I didn't think many people would see me in the grays)
Oh yes. I submitted my clown encounter in a solo post down in the grays which started because of a bar, but every other crazy sex story i have is thanks to Casual Encounters. (Including the time I ended up getting frisky in a bathroom of the Salem witch museum)
Clowns. My best story involves a lot of clowns.
I mean, I have other stories. Honorable mention goes to the time I had sex on the 5th floor of a hotel's glass-walled staircase in plain view of the street below because we couldn't afford to get a room in said hotel, and the time I swam out to the center of Walden Pond…
I was waiting for a someone to to tell me at the end to subscribe to the Cracked YouTube channel. This can't possibly be real... Can it?
Agreed. The spine is a fickle master. I hope 1) they find a cure for him and 2) hope that the cure for his ordeal might end up helping medical research for people who are anorgasmic.
Sadly, the parking spot analogy seems spot on when you consider that some people treat women as if they are nothing more than a convienent place for men to park their junk.
"Go pull the bride's grandma out onto the dance floor."
Thank you. This is the first episode I've ever watched (my mother is a huge fan) and that line was so disturbing to me. It seems irresponsible to put forward that kind of narrative into pop culture.