9 to 5 had three women teaming up on a sexist boss, and that did ok.
9 to 5 had three women teaming up on a sexist boss, and that did ok.
Setting: Easter of 88 family dinner table. Pan shot of too many people cramming into table. Cut to me trying to scoot back from table to get seconds. Cue ominous music. Watch my big ass 80's hair get too close to candle and POOF! Hair on fire. Damn Aqua Net.
I completely agree, but it's funny to frame this as "so much effort" to wear the same thing every day.
It's super cool that he did this, and for him it may have been effort, but tons of us men do this every single day because it's cheaper, takes almost no effort, and we can get away with it.
I've owned the same two…
Whoa, not true there! My daughter recently attended a party at American Girl. Guests are encouraged to bring their own dolls, but there ARE dolls loaned to anyone who forgets or doesn't have one. No one is made to feel badly, and the party itself was adorable. I'm sure it was crazy expensive, but the girls all had a…
Cooper makes me think 100% of Garfield every time I see it. Which kinda makes me love it.
The fonts are all really nice, but it seems odd to me that they'd suggest replacing Cooper, an obviously 70's-inspired, bubbly and fat font with something more blocky and (yeah, I'll say it) boring. They have completely different feels, and I can't really think of any scenarios where the other font would do an…
I was so surprised to find some that I hadn't read! I went WAY down that rabbit hole.
I'm in the unique position of not cringing one bit at this. Because as of yet I haven't heard a poop-related hookup story worse than my own.
I never imagined a man with a deep bass voice singing Meghan Trainor's "All About That Bass." But a song called "All…
Former teacher. Currently in grad school for a non-education degree, but I hope to use my degree working on health at a district level. There are two things that I love about not teaching that make me wonder if I could go back: the hours and the Sundays. I taught high school and I thought starting at 7am was the…
I don't always, but when I do, it's because the pooping muscles were ejecting the tampon anyway.
JK honestly I really dont care either way. That just was not an option.
My girlfriends have all had this problem, which leads to a much bigger problem with women's clothes in general.
Sorry, Daily Mail, there are still some die-hard romantics out there. My backup plan if my lifelong hubby (28 years and counting) leaves before I do, preferably when we are still healthy and in our late 90s, is to try and ride out on the same train he took, the very same day.
In May, Columbia University students were up in arms after a list of alleged rapists attending the college kept…
Or, you know, he's just acting like a normal kid who has probably met the President at least once before and whatever, he wants cookies or something.
I don't know him, but I've known some of his older kids, and they are solid, thoughtful people who constantly consider their own privilege. Joe Biden raised up some good people, even after losing their mother quite sadly. Sign of a quality individual, if you ask me.